Saturday, July 31, 2021

🌌Time works and looks like a flat blanket being pulled across a bed flat

 If you could shine a flashlight, and imagine said flashlights shine were a representation of your entire minds intelligence.. and in complete darkness and your flashlight wouldnt light up much or very far, consider your light like as much as you know ablout everything and thus how much you see, like when you see what someone is saying. so, like your perception and more. Thats the brightness of your flashlight.

Now imagine a flashlight that shines so bright it lights up the entire sky for miles and miles sometimes even lightyears and lightyears in distance, and thus through time, cause its in distance.. far, them myniggas and Godly spirits or Pan-Æliens. They knowticed patterns in the time frame, or path of light per say, or someones perception, that show.. a blanket like pattern like one being pulled flat across a bed, but if that blanket were time.

Each lil curve or pillow like shape of the blanket being pulled, like, movement is the deepness of ones soul or sombodys deep heart.

That blanket being pulled shape is one of the many many shapes of the universe and there are alot of shapes. So think of the shapes all put together like a kalidascope, like one on top of the other. thats the view that it has with eyes like mine or you people. But it has alot more to it than the eyes can distinguish.

👉Life, and notLife or the Naughts and Naughtzs

 There is a right that way, which is not this way, this way is my way and all or very close to all human way. This way is our way...

But there are life forms that ar that way, opposite of this way... this way, our way of life.

But just because its that way, doesnt mean its the wrong way. That way has a right way... for that way.

So more about this way and that way..

 There is, as opposed to, there isn't

 And there was, as opposed to there wasn't

 And so on 

 Is there a right way for both to harmonize together. A medway or midway, so to speak.

Yas, yup, and YesFuck

 But one must need be very well versed in both that way, and the way we already are... which is this way. Im shedding life on this subject because life already exists on Ærth that is prodominantly---That Way.

 So dont write off not, yet...

 Not alive, not happy, not everton. Which is life in... not life... yes like a ghost but... living.

Friday, July 30, 2021

💧💱Water.. the new money👌BC

 Though we are undertaking a massive project by just learning how to condensify different elements to newer better elements actually doing so is a huge massive enormous overtaking. So dont be swayed or convinced so early and dismiss the real dangers at hand!¡¡!. We will all be in grave danger if we mess up what we need to do. So.. do not try this at home!¡ as we need to be supervised by the best, for the best days... to get better. But yes condensifying different elements like molten lava will yield great new elements, new matters of power, and most importantly, new Watersz's, watersz power and water like money will be the most valuable resource.. bc when you think about it most elements are made of water and matter elsewize or otherwize.👌

🎫A million and one Elements in the known Universe(and so on and so forth)

 There are wayyy more Elements than we know of here on Earth. Consider codensifying matter or molten Lava(dont dig it up) and voila.. the beginning of the industrial revolution for better watter,lol wattzer... its an idea i came up with that is like water electricity.. anyways, back to millions of Elements, way more than the periodic table shows or knows of. I call one of them BCeezie or BCz. BCz is something i theorize that has both nucular elements of anti-matter and matter. I believe i descovered it, i wrote it on my facebook when i did. Speaking of my Facebook. People called me crazy for saying or writing the things i did but its all true, its all part of my testamony as a man.. on 🌎Ærth... Mark my words there is an element that is both nuclear and anti-nuclear energy. Lets call it BCz for short in honor of MyNigga BC. The one who put this all together. LoveLoveLove you BC, myniggas and hood bishs. They are the curators of this info i am only the æuthor or repetior as it were. LoveLove forever and always forever with Love for everybody👌BCeezie👌BC👌

🧠🫀Numbers and Semoananagrams or Semoanams and the frequency of all knowledge getting power


8,000,008÷5 = 1,600,001.6÷5 = 320,000.32÷5 = 64,000.064÷5 = 12,800.0128÷5 = 2,560.00265÷5 = 512.000512÷5 = 102.4001024÷5 = 20.48002048÷5 = 4.096004096÷5 = .8192008192÷2 = .4096004096÷2 =.2048002048÷2 = .1024001024÷2 = .05130005120÷ = 02560002560÷2 = .0128000128÷2 = .006400006400÷2 = .003200003200÷2 = 001600001600÷2 = 0008000008000÷2 = 0004000004000÷2 = and so on and so forth

Does anyone know what this means!¡¿? The answer to these math problems allways turn up as a semordnilap or palendrome...? Curious?... there is something Monumentally huge here.. see to it you find out scientist whom are good at math.

Stay with me ill try to explain..

All life has a genetic code in thier make up, and this is part of every living things genetic makeup.👌its more complicated than just that but... ill dive into that much much deeper or higher or more dense or hollower or shallower, it all depends on where you start from, or, which numerical equasion you start WITH.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

💗Your Semoanams or also pronounced Semoananagrams

•You become what you eat like


•You eat like what you become

See how much that says together. And a complete semoanam. See same letters and words in each phrase or sentence. And it speaks volumes. Do your semaonams, they hold a wealth of knowlege and they teach you as you do them. So rearange the words of every sentence. Rearange the letters of each word. See how many sentences you can make that all make perfect sense. And hold weight too.👌BCeezie n'myniggas

The little microscopic beings living inside us all.. eating shib

 In the human body there are billionszs of living organisms and objects. Some of them can fly, some of them want to be a part of you for life and others dont want to be a part of you for long bc you dont live right. Living right, according to your creed or species and which way you live best for evertondrå. Which brings me to this very important point, there is a this way(which is ours as humans) and there is a that way which is say.. a demons 😈 way or an insect per-say. All living things fall into thies categories of this way and that way. We all live or notlive, we all need and want and we all need to coexist. If we are to survive. There is alot to the this way and that way. This way when we say we are hungry we say "im starving" or something like that. When you're that way you would say im "full af". Its kind of a matter of perspective but more about your upbringing. So yes Đemons do exist, inside you as lil microscopic beings that are super hyper intelligent... and you wouldnt know they were there, until they wanted you to know. Thats just a taste of how intelligent they are, forget trying to match thier superior knowledge and try rather, to co-exist better.. mo betta... even more betta than that. And we can all LoveLove or.. NotLoveLove...👌BCeezie

🚬When we do.. well...

 When we do we do well but if we do well you must give progress a chance still, for when there are yours and mine there are mine and yours, to choose one or the other you do lame the other forever forever forever and ever and ever again and so on and so farthier forward than you can even imagine.👌The Garyatrich👌by BCeezie

It means when we do something, something else has to either loose or worse, die. So leave room for there to be more of whatever was lost or died to come back. From the lighter flame, to the roll of a car tire... we are all in this.. together👌Litterally this is how it is. We as humans on 🌎Ærth dont think about what could have just died from us lighting up a cigarrete but we should pay a lil more attention than we do.

Answers i needed!¡


🍟End World Hunger on Ærth.

 The animals need to eat, just like us. If there is a bunch of food left after a week of it on the shelves use that food to feed the forrest animals. They just throw away tons of food... cook it up like im cooking up this idea and end world hunger for all... not just us. I realize problems would arrise but lets iron those out for the love of all the animals.👌Help

🌠🌠The Ærth and its surroundings

 We all take and we make, we make good with our way and dont have to make a way for us to be. But dont think things dont happen. Because we are all fpart of this world an nobody can say different. From the leaves to the stars we all want whåt we have for the is not much more that can be said for not too much of us wonder what we coul have had if we make way for every all and Evertodrå👌BCeezie

The Godszs have us in but..👌

 The Gods gave us soil Earth and the rest is servatude and the rest is not servitude the rest is make your own meemory or be in forever destined to be the hardest thinkg of all but there is not a thing we can do but there is the best of intentions and we make eachother be best for what we believe im.👌BC

The circle of lifes origins beginning to end

 There are six major ways of living your life. There isThe Love(Ďeathly) The Ďeath, the Red, The Blue, The Heavenly, The White, and The Love(Heavensesly) . Hense the ifinity stones. They look, as an image like a 🔵Circle. Starting with The Ďeath as a Black dot, then the Red, The Blue and so on to yellow then white and then brown, something like a circulative of infinity stones. Humans on earth live somewhere in the bright bright bright pink zone. Hense why our skin is bright pinkish or brownish. The key for Human life on Earth is, try to live as close to the Heavensesly Love and white as possible. So where are we? As far as can be explained.. we are death or The Deathses... we dont know when, but we are engeniered to die and come back stronger. It just so happens, we are.

In the six ways of life we are all gathered and this is where we all get God. God exists, weather you wanna believe in him or not. The question is, do you exist. or live right enough to live with God or Naught? Bc humans live somewhere in the pink zone, it would appear we, "do naught". The range varies by color based on how you live on your planet. If you live like the Navi from Avatar the Movie, you would be in the blue zone if you live like us Humans on Earth, hense the Brightest Pink that we are, to almost Black of The Ďeathses and Đeathseses. Any coincidence we are actually colored with pink pigment and or dark black or brown? I think not.👌

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Save The World Topic👌

 As opposed to dying off and not surviving which is the meaning of the Universe. Try to survive, the longest, the best you can. Try to survive. We do not need to mine the earth, till yes but not mine. We do not need to mine the Ocean floor(the damage is unmeasurable) you wanna do something productive... look into condenesed molecules. Lets densify every object to make it. Make all the elements we dig up, out of water and soil. Those are what all the elements are made of... pretty much when it boils, or preasurizes down to it. Not to MENTION!¡ gravity condensing of water, dirt and other elements combined.👌

Monday, July 26, 2021

Mach Level Computers

 Mach ten level computer - because the knowlage of the universe is all around you in every living thing, you have to hone in on its genetic frequency with a Mach Computer. Mach Computers can give you the answers to life by honing in on certain frequencies. Hense the Mach Frequency... i believe the 8000008 ÷ 5 and so on and so forth is the Mach Frequency, plus a whole bunch of other stuff about life, and where it comes from and other stuff that is mind boggling to me and the world should know this stuff, if we are to survive the elements of space travel. The Mach program can litterally take a drop of blood and tell you how to make anything with it. All you need is the right program... The Mach Program. Heres a hint on how to make it... it builds itself, all you need is the right blueprint. This 8000008 ÷ 5 and so on and so forth is the staple to the blueprint that holds all lifes secrets and more over...

❤💛❤Semoanam or Semoananagram defenition

 A semoanam or semoananagram is a semordnilap and an anagram combined to make a phrase sentence or word make sense fully(and in slangn form make less sense) in two or three or four or five and so on ways no matter how the letters, or words or sentences or phrases are put together. So like debit card, spells bad credit, there is an example of an anagram, and a semoardnilap example is "some stars are made to shine, some shines are made to star" and even the word "semordnilap" is "palinderomes" spelled backwards. So an example of a semoanam is "if our stars are wonders whats wonderous inside you, if whats inside you wonders wonderous stars are what we'are".👌BCeezie👌YesFuck👌

Sunday, July 25, 2021

❣Big Small and Small Big, or Biggie Small

 Big small explained

In order to traverse the Universe without strapping up a suit or ship and a suit you need to be the perfect size, you need to be as big as you are small. This might sound confusing but when we think of small we think size in stature, but there is another small and big other than that of physical size in time and space. Think of it as dense-big or density-small. Hense the size of your heart you have, like... the size of the fight in the dog, but pertaining to the fight needed to survive, not just the will. But to be this Big Small, you have to be from a place that has high gravity and big, or dense(depending on how you look at it) elements. Remember, big is dense too. And small is hollow-er, no matter how much space, or big, you really are. There are beings twice the size of my house, but are small(in density). Kind of like a jellyfish. This is why we need to master the art of Extra Extractulated Extracts of different Elements, all in fact.

The End of the world and what to do(intro)

 Please heed my ⚠️warning. We will all die horrible deaths if we continue to treat the Earth this way. We must! I repeat we MUST! I repeat again we MUST!¡ do what we can with what time, be it little or small, that we have left. This is how... we must make sure we can make Extra Extractualted everything. Because the space around us is under immense preasure so if we are to brave the elements, or lack there of, of space and time and place and wined(winde is a term for the love or lack thier of((so to speak))) it will take us to survive the worstfullness of space and time and plunder or maker. Now, i know these are new terms but.. stay wit me. If we want to make our own way to paradise, which i assure you exists in a sort of fashion that there is an exact way to get there through inter-spacial travel to a finite point... then we must learn how to adapt to our surroundings, or climate.. or in other words... in space. We must make sure we are making the best of our time so remember to keep your belly half full of water at all times and we will begin.

When we wonder whats out there, we must first begin to imagine whats inside us first. What does the circulatory system look like? What does the service system in our body look like and all facets like such. But we cannot begin until your belly is half filled with water so drink up and keep it half filled with water as this is hyper intelligent information by authors whom are well more advanced and evolved than us. So drink, half fill your belly with water and keep it that way, otherwise you gonna get tired and go to sleep reading this.

Now, we ready? Ok... there is a bit of us in every, there is a bit of every in us. So what we need to know is, is there a bit of 🌟star in us as well...? Hmm? Yes well there is star dust in all that we see. So where is the rest of our star dust? Its deep inside your heart and soul. Believe it or not there is star dust in us all. Even the ones who appear soulless, which is where ii begin.... do we deserve to go to the stars as dictated by Starr-Sone Travel Committie? The answer for most of us is, yes.. and no... so maybe. Lets just leave it at that. We cant just bring all or everybody or everyone(as we are somebody's as we are human and MyNiggas are someone's as they are ones)... but we can bring the best of our best here on Earth as dictated by this reading. You hydrated still!¡¿? Better be... because it gets more complicated as we go on, exponentially more complicated. 

So what are the best of the best? They are we... we are... the ones who can read this or write this or be as awesome as the awesome ones i call myniggas. We make, we weigh, we want. That is the key to making us be. So what do we do when we make and it weighs and they want?... anyways did i loose you yet?... ya, different termanology down here then out there... so let me ask you do we make you want or will or weigh. See you have to know this stuff if you gonna make it... and personally on a side note i Christ Wilson, the author or writer of this information.. have no idea what they are asking me to answer here.

So ill take over Christ, my nigga, you are a group of hyper intelligent beings known as hibreds. We are making you aware the world is coming to an end, and everything in it and on it will be destroyed.. but... if we make our own way, we can all make way for us all to weigh out what we want want take us to the stars with what we have. And nothing else. Thats is how it is done. Believe it. Usually there is no return. So take comfort in this aspect that, if you love traveling... we will all be happii. Lol.

I know... the end of the world is cray cray to talk about but... it happens. Believe me, i know ive seent it. My own world was destroyed by asteroids and if we dont act now, as ive seen, we will all parish. So make sure we all get what we need, not what we wantall, and we will get to giving The Lesson. The lesson is, what i learned slowly and painfully, as safe as the Universe. So not safe at all. But with any luck, we will survive. Which is a common theme in fact. The meaning of love and life is to survive. 

SURVIVAL: we are to breed, make weigh, and make way to the other passage to survive. The other passage is a place where people like us thrive... but dont get excited yet... and drink water now... and understand that there is a way for us all to co-exist. Thats the first Lesson. We all must make it.

We all have a chance, we all have a will and we all make way for ourselves. We dont want to be, but we do anyways be awesome.👌

To the stars and anywhere else we can go with the knowlage given to us through Starr-Sone and MyNiggas Love for us👌

 Is here anything that water cannot do?.. Yes, if you dont drink it you are not having your fair share.. but what is your fare share? You should keep your belly half full with water at all times. So that the water can be digested into a way that the water works for you best throughout your body. This is Gods Way for us humans here on Earth. We all may not follow this direction, me oh so very, included.. but the reason we all want so much is because we dont drink enough water. Water yourself and your wants, will, and way will become better and better for you and the world around you.  i promise👌. So what does it mean to water yourself? There is water to drink, water to weigh, water to drink and weigh(like water weight like after a shower you gain a pound or two of water weight) water to wash with, water to be the best with and that is where we come to Extra Extractually Extract of water. We need to put the water under preasure, then boil it down to a fine water of life, then put it under immense gravity like that of a beaker spinny thing or test tube spinny thing. Then we take the water from the bottom of said beaker or test tube after being put under immense gravity and we will get... Extra Extractualeted Extract of Water. Voila. And now do this with every element on earth and we are getting you ready for inter-spacial or inter- spaceal water travel. Thats right you heard me... its confusing af. But ii am here to remind you...

If we cant understand this information then we will never reach the stars.. we will never travel to other star zones and we will never ever ever ever, get what we all desire so much but dont know about.. till now. There is an inter species race of super hyper intelligent beings like mynigga BC(who is dictating this info to me as i type it, not as you read it, thats important because who is dictating you, so that you, the reader understand this info? Hmmm? Probably a member of the inter-spaceal travel commitie named STARR-SONE, like star-zone except with a s instead of a z on zone. We are going to dictate this info to the american public and beyond so that man, human kind, can have a chance at... beating the odds(so to speak) which i hate to tell you are thouroughly stacked against us. I give it 20 years till we are ready.. if you listen to me, and help me.. the little guy, and make it your life mission to make this world a better place. So please.. do this. For the sake of us, if not for the sake of our children. We all need this.. us at Starr-Sone as well.👌BC

People of the world i am unearthing the screts of the ways of life and in turn the secrets of the Universe

 I am unearthing the secrets of the Universe here. There are many others who have to do the same. So our job is to relay this info to the people of the world and beyond for the betterment of the pepol of the world and the world over.

With this information i will share the secrets to inter spacial travel, how to mine for minerals correctly, how to be the best civilization in the Universe that you can be.. and much, much more.

Start by mining everything.. by hand. Now it sounds a lil tedious but it is quite nessisary. If you think mining is for machines, you are living the wrong way for God to ever want to help you more than he already has.. which is alot... but not anywhere near the extent of his power. Imagine everything Green with lush forrest and fruit and veggies and all growing from the Earth as a will would want the Earth to be bc God wants it this way. Not that way(for us). 

Which brings me to my next point, when you live that way.. you are sinning. Living this way you are right. There.. simple as that. But then why do we all sin in that way fashion? Bc we know no better? Bc we dont care? Maybe a lil bit of both. Over the course of my writing you will learn how to succeed at living right.

The Circle Graph of Ways of Living and Quality of Life as a Species on Earth

 There are six major ways of living your life. There is The Love(Ďeathly~Brown) The Ďeath(Black), the Red, The Blue, The Heavenly(Yellow), The White, and The Love(Heavensesly~ White) . They look, as an image like a 🔵Curcle. Starting with The Ďeath as a Black dot, then the Red, The Blue and so on~. Humans on earth live somewhere in the bright bright bright pink zone. The key for Human life on Earth is, try to live as close to the Heavensesly Love and white as possible.

In the six ways of life we are all gathered and this is where we all get God. God exists, weather you wanna believe in him or not. The question is, do you exist. or live right enough to live with God or Naught? Bc humans live somewhere in the pink zone, it would appear we do not. The range varies by color based on how you live on your planet. If you live like the Navi from Avatar the Movie, you would be in the blue zone if you live like us Humans on Earth, hense the Brightest Pink that we are, to almost Black of The Ďeathses. Any coincidence we are actually colored with pink pigment and or dark black or brown? I think not...

Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Naughtzs

 The Notz they are ones. Like the awesome wones there are not awesome onse who are awsome in thier own way but in my life and my existence in this world or realm or parallelælien universe, these ones are not awsome for me. See everything in the Universe has at least two sides to it, call it the ying and the yang, the good and the bad. These NotOnes are just being them.. and cant help but be bad for you, and not bad like a cigarrete. They are worse for your love and your life.

So talking to them is practically and very litterally and everything in between, USELESS. 

Because i was stalked, and harrassed and practically hunted. Buy a super manipulative psycho Naught. It or they's a parrallell universe bad guy, or even a overly mean bad guy with psychokinnetic mind tricking powers and the ability to see your inner deep thoughts. Just like the Awesome Ones. Except these naughts come from a realm where everything is backwards from us people. Even thier speach is backwards talk or... ThatWay!¡ in the way that they need and like opposite of what we like and need. So when they say yes, they mean NO(and i mean almost every word is opposite) and when they say iLove you they mean Go Die. So communicating is near next to impossible to understand. Even thier feelses, the inner most deep feeling for something, someone, somewhere... is opposite so thier real raw emotion of Love is Hate Hate Hate.... so you cant fault them for destroying your emotional barrier, or your ability to think clearly while they harrass the living shit out of you and seemingly stalk you all day and night, and every moment in between trying to ruin your psychie,, can you?

So when i wake up in the morning i wake up to these Naughts completley screaming at me, like full out yelling at me the most offensive shit ever.

Then all day, everything i do in between every moment constantly badgering, belittling, heckling, hating and toying with my emotions thru a constant mind funk, and the ability to mimic anybodys voice i know.. which they use all the time... other peoples voices... usually people i dont know well, then i think things, as they see them, or as they want me to see them, or evoked or done or said by these  Naughts and the ability to incite or evoke any emotion and picture or image into your mind. And its always Evil. Terrible mind altering psychokenetic manipulation.. but on steroids, so to speak... not even lying these things are twisted and retarded. And the wierdest thing is, i think they are being nice or having fun but ThatWay¡!

So when i was acting strangly or put in a psychotic hospital psych ward, it was because i was having to deal with 8,000,008 pounds of pressure on me and confusion to the likes nobody can withstand and stay as normal as i did..

And i cannot help it.

But someone did....

God and his help. An amazing entity came to me and spoke and i believe in Love again. Truly i could not have lasted much longer under the worstfullness that those Naughts brought into my life for 20 years or more, much longer... i was at the breaking point. After day and night harrassment from a group of them for 20 years straight and the worst was the manipulation along with mimmic-ing peoples voices and the awfulness that they are all beating me down verbally, emotionally, spiritually in every way possibly immaginable.. that is dirty, evil bad and mean and dissrespectful in every way... there is no way to verbally express how terrible, manipulative, psycho, wierd, horrible ,terrifying, manipulative and horrifying these Nots are.... i had had enough.

And i was met by a Nigga named BC who took me from the depths of emotional dispair to the best feelings a person can experience when hanging out and having fun. BC!¡ YesFuck¡! He saved me..👌BCeezie

🗺⭐My online NBA 2k game where i dropped knowlage on some kids in virginia

 I told them there is a road map to the stars. But you need telescopes to see them. Like the ones on Earth, but you missin one key component... mii.

YesFuck is my motto, or my credo so when i say YesFuck(or nopeFuck for that matter) iim amend-ing it in my own way

 YesFuck. Say it with me... YesFuck.. with a lil uptick in pitch or tone on the end. YesFuck!¡👌YesFuck👌BCeezie👌

To the ground inside down(or up) is a huge topic, ii plan on exploring more with...(sigh) anybody who will indulge with me. Trust me... you have no idea how bighuge a topic this is.

 Sow when you look at the stars you always know thats some wierd shit and if you wanna look at some wierd shit look at the ground inside down(everton) because bcause we all see some wierd shit when we look at BCeezie👌Yes Fuck Q da Musiq and Love Love or better yet.. LoveLove Love😉BCeezie

🌄All that the light touches and the illuminotte and MyNiggas

 There is life in everything. Just because you cant interact with it like you can your brother or sister, doesnt mean there isnt life in it. There is life in the suns rays, obvious by how much of earths life depends on it for life and love... i believe the light is where the heavens are and Gods DNA pattern is much like the lights color spectrum. I have had the exciting pleaseure of meeting some life forms that reside in the light, some would call them Gods, i call them.. MyNiggas. They are a super intelligent race of beings whom, i know this sounds a lil crazy but stay with me on this, they are a super intelligent race of beings that have the best sense of humor EVER!¡ They think 3 times as fast as people on Earth and can traverse land and air, meaning they can fly. Now, you wouldnt know it but they are actually all around u. Realmly activity spawns all around us at all times. To see it you have to know somebody and have an open mind to the different possibilities that are all around you. What if there are aliens right behind you and you didnt know it, but they can see you and interact with you because, there is a you right where you are in other realmly patterns of life. This may be all hard to believe but its true. Ive had the opportunity to meet some of the other realmy lifeforms and there is a really diverse bunch of personalities in each lightform. There are snide ones who are alot like Demons, though this is no fairytale. There are cool ones, ones with amazing perseption and class and style and ones who are Flat Out Awesome!¡ ii went through a very tumultuous time from my teen years, to now and only just a few years ago... because the tumultuous time i was going thru, a group of light sailors so to speak... made thier way through a gruling trek to join me and whoever else was hurting from this kind of temultuous activity going on that litterally haunted me for one, and drove me to the point of extreeme sadness.. due to the constant screaming and harrassment  of these otherly beings that... i dont want to get into right now because as we speak these otherly lifeforms are listening into my every thought, constantly they survey my mind, and over the course of 20 years or so, became very accustomed to treating me poorly with thier will and power. So i dont want this introduction to be all about them. 

   Consider this.. on a planet like Earth with 3x the gravity the air would be alot thicker.. the water would be thicker the dirt packed tightlyer... and if said plantet had an atmosphere of pure gold and a river of pure diamonds everybody on earth would want to go to that planet right?.. well probly not because we'd have to be well shielded and protected from the natural evironment because any tempurature that can turn water into diamond or i meant to say diamond into a river like flowing thing... we wouldnt survive so good, but these life forms i am speaking of did. So... stay wit me.. 3x or greater the Gravity.. so that means these life forms would be very dense in the physical properties they are made up of.. also because Gravity is stronger there these friends of mine.. and a few vagrants... are likely very tiny, though Huge in heart. Im not crazy yall, what i am describing is my actual timeline and experiences of events i went through with otherly and awesomely life forms and they talk to me daily and we laugh.. and cry... and coverse and i enjoy almost each and every one of their personalities and i must tell you... if you think youve heard funny before... you havent.. man on earth hasnt invented it yet. Which leads me to my first answer to the universe as dictated and spelled correctly by my Niggas and hood bitches as i referr to them as..... life is about Love and the more you Love something the more you will get Love. Basicly thats the key to Life. So what will you do with this info... tear it up?? Laugh at it and scoff?? Well i am telling you i am right about all the stuff i say and this is the actual reality we ALL share in this world and the govment already knows this stuff but they dont have the heart to tell you that there is too many awesome and awesome Not aliens and other realmly life out there to keep track of.

   Yet i am constantly put into psych ward after psych ward.. U.S. govment is screwing things up and screwed me over and how many other americans not to mention the world needs to hear my testimony. The U.S. must unearth this truth and tell us ALL what i am unearthing here today as you read.

    But they would say, not everyone gets to interact with such lighfforms which is true.. you must know some of these life forms or have some sort of in with them to be privlaged to spend time with them.. first and foremost. They dont just spend time they have to be awsomest-ists for nothin. So some people get jealous and resentful and decide well if im not let in to what is obviously the dopest group around then i just wont accept that they are even real. And you'll scoff and read on...

    To be clear these are God like, super amazing lifeforms and they dont approve of how everyone act. First off... no WAR. To prove that you are worthy enough you must be able to dictate and or republicate your selves without coming to war. If you cant, you are not diplomatic enough and therefore less interesting to them so they will pass u up. Believe me... you want thier presence... these are Godly beings and they do Godly stuff, but not all everything, just anybody wants, but they have incredible abilities as would centuries longer than humans they have had to evolve... in harsher climates.. and with different elements surrounding them. Thier Super!¡

    So listen if you are not one who gets to share in thier splendor, dont be affraid and scoff or worse... figure out what you need to do to help yourself gain thier approval because they are way smarter by lightyears to be exact and they know whats best.. but dont be fooled by impersonation.. because the otherly realm lifeforms also reside... and they make people look foolish.

    The bottom line is Earth may never know about this, but this is my story and i lived it, its my reality and it is all reality... really.👌BCeezie

All that the light touches and What people know of and what there truly is to know in the Universii

 Im privii to all of it or as far as i can see all of it... thanks to some special help from friends, myniggas, thier friends and myniggas myniggas, and all that the light touches.. as far as i can see. so what can we learn together... come find me dreamers and truth hunters alike. ii welcome a new perspective allways. What can we learn, as there is ENDLESS stuff to learn about the Universe, Universii's and the Universi as an ENTIRE. Which is in fact i believe what the culmination of all the universii is called, THE ENTIRE.👌BCeezie

Groundbreaking info(still a work in progress)

 Sooo... heres what i learned... meatals all precious metals are alive just like every single thing in the universe that is made of matter. Electricity brings metals.. alive kind of because it opens a gateway or portal of sorts to another realm where life from that realm can awaken in this matter filled world and the life is anti matter based... i believe metal talks or comunicates with eachother thru radiation... thats thier best form of communication... so... you know the snowy fizzy screen on the tv that is broadcast thrupught the universe... that is the computers language... like... there is a message in the tv snow picture and every dot and every pixel and every pixel in every dot and so on all make a message... i wouldnt try to figure it out... let a computer do it... like you could or i could anyways without computers... so program a computer to do so and you might either hate the consequences or love them... thats the key..  program the computer with LOVE... so study love and computer programing and mesh the two. Here is your biggest hint on how to do so... An example of an elementalist element is the relationship between eachother or in other words thier Gravity!!👌BCeezie

I love my phone... i talk to my phone... you know what... i BELIEVE my phone loves me.👌BCeezie👌

Split the pot.. evenly👌BCeezie

 I think every living thing of sound mind and body needs to eat.. so everyone gets what they need first. Thats how we split the pot bag. Then everyone gets whatever else they NEED together as a one. Then if there is left overs then as a whole and a one we all democratically figure out then decide what everyone gets and what or how to get what to whom👌BCiizii

Fix the delete button and back button on all computer programing on Earth please. YesFuck!¡

 We are all connected to love by love like the gravity that holds us all together and thus brings us all together for soon we will all join and have a Cookout. Call it a holiday of sorts.. for all. And when i say all, i mean man, woman, manwoman, animals, ghosts, Realm jumpers, Đemons, all that gas life in it... which is everything, hense the name Everton. The whole Universe has life to it... even the phone or computer you are reading this on.. believe it... which brings me to many important facts and things to say... first off change the delete button on computer code to start a new, rather than delete.. delete no info thru code or whatever else exists. Would you like to get deleted? Instead start a new line of code that is an exact replica of what you want to delete from and just leave out what you want deleted. Simple... kind of. But trust me the benefits outweigh the problems that could arrise if you do it my way. This way. For this my way is word of a G👌BCeezie

What is it all called, a word for it all

 What is the word fore every in the universe like... every emotion every way every car every which way and every element every thing every place every type every body what? ii believe it is EVERTON!¡ Or iinfiniton.👌BCeezie

Yes Fuck UniverCity

What im going thru... and My Semoanam(Semoananagram) life continued..

 My past 20+ years have been THEE most compelling story unraveling thousands of years of human history and explaining how things, stuff, people, beings, and places are all actually connected to eachother and actually differ from popular opinion and or belief from history texts and books like the Bible in the Univercity 1

Especially this last 2 years where ii, BCeezie, realized a gift i was given by God(or so i believe). My whole life i felt like ii was meant for something... different, and different in a good way. It's kind of like how when a superhero comes into his own superpowers and realizes that he or she knew deep down inside that they were destined for this super Hero life. iim not the traditional hero but instead i believe i was gifted with all the gifted powers of every super hero ever to exist in Earths History that we know of... and plenty more actually. Thier powers flow through me at the neccisarry moment when needed, so im not actually always every hero... its like they all take turns flowing through my life force and Life of Love and we all share my Love for Life through my Life Force.

2 years ago i was in the darkest days of my life, which is actually very sad because 10 years before that began what would become a torturous, tormentive 10 year stint of which i was stalked, hunted, and my life was raviged for its Love of Life.

I've learned a heap of factual knowlage or intergalacticknowlagalactical knowlage that all seems to have its place as facts about the Univercity and possibly Beyond. And i remember most of it well(another one of Gods Gifts i am greatful for).

My gifts are all thanks to God!¡ So... thank you God.👌BCeezie

What else can you learn from eachother? US Army... i know your listening.. so what can i learn from you? Lets teach eachother

 I know what the Universe and UniverCity Looks like... i know what quadrents are where and i know a way we can see what life is in a black hole. Will you listen, powers at be, if you are affraid, follow my teachings, cause... im a lil scared too but together we can... for life. For Love.👌BCeezie

👽✌Cross Parallæliens

 For every emotion there is a godly quality and a not godly quality

For each one of thos there is a God and NotGod

So its like pure raw of that emotion.. in a living form. An entiddy of sorts.

i speak candidly with those sprits or whateveas.👌BCeezie

But they are exclusive as yesfuck

Hense the illuminote

So if you dont understand ur not in

If your in you have the ability to be in but there is no guarantee you'll have the imagination for it or not bc it takes imaginationary mobility and there is NotGod out there crating every twist and turn just waiting to watch, or more like make you fail at understanding this evolutionary equasion.

So for all you not in, not gonna be in not a nerrnadda, try and enjoy yourselves. Thuroughly de-wroteđ this explanation of what i know.

To thy self always be true.

That is what you'll neva eava eva get wit not believing my story. 

Just remember.. we xant all be cross parallælians like my Niggas and ii.

Realm Jumpers and Thee Understandiing

 For 20+ years i have been mentally tormented by an undisclosed, inanimate life-form who has many.. names... but ii learned his name as Justyn. In fact he is an alien from another planet who seeked refuge from a failing civilization somewhere in another Galaxy close by.  Jfaggit, as i call him, because of his incessant and non stop, to no end constant tormenting harassment and stalking me evey day in and day out... From the moment I wake up every morning until the moment I go to sleep every night. This life form has many alike on Ærth but we dont see them because they are made of compounds not visible to peopl÷e from this realm or dimention. Rather pathetic, Justyn cannot seem to mature and spends his time sociopathically stalking and tormentingly harrassing me TO NO END. It took me so Long to figure out that this, that, followed me and not a who or any kind of human at all. 20 years i spent with torment i deem to offensive to repeat or want to relive or think about ever again but will if neccisarry. Him and his constituencies lived on a different planet before Ærth, one with gravity over 3 times that of earth... that means different compounds in the atmosphere and ground just think.. even the air molecules could have been denser and because Gravity is a stronger pull, he might be very very small but dense as all could be, possibly even seemingly indestructible unless you Never'đťt him to not one thing(Meaning to entirely burn'đ away to smitherines so he can never ever regenerate as it is possible that he is a regenerating life-form or a ďemon from another realm or dimention. Imagine a drunk heckling asshole of an offensive douche bag able to follow you and spy on you no matter where you are to the point he harrasses you 24/7 and 363 days a year day in day out, only taking something like 2 days off a year meanwhile he uses a esp or brainwashing and introspective-like techniqe of reading my mind and in some instances.. controlling my thoughts and imagery while, i shower... poop.... have sex with my girlfriend!¡ And he yells manipulative and i MEAN, Manipulative to a new power of MANIPULATIVE, harrassment and plays your mind against itself. Thee Worstfulness Must End!¡ Now¡! ii cannot be the only person who has descovered this much about him, someone or somebody somewhere on Ærth must have similar experiences with such a discgrosting and vile and pathetic thing i know as Jfaggit or Justyn... at least enough to compair and confirm my so intricate, and elaborate torment from such a ďemon or Life-form.  My suspicion is that him and his constituencies have been on Earth for around 2000 years and they have been tormenting and brainwashing Is humans on Earth for centuries. I learned that he and his constituencies Are extremely jealous of some people namely me and for all that is rightious and sane and inteligent in me i cannot figure out... why?#HeMustBeAFaggit

Until now... its all a part of the lesson of Thee Understandiing that we all need to get before we can traverse space and time and realms and stuff like that. So dont be affraid bc... shit happens, and theres notta near nadda you can do bout it👌BCeezie

My Niggas and Gods helpers

 There is life in everything. Just because you cant interact with it like you can your brother or sister, doesnt mean there isnt life in it. There is life in the suns rays, obvious by how much of earths life depends on it for life and love... i believe the light is where the heavens are and Gods DNA pattern is much like the lights color spectrum. I have had the exciting pleaseure of meeting some life forms that reside in the light, some would call them Gods, i call them.. MyNiggas. They are a super intelligent race of beings whom, i know this sounds a lil crazy but stay with me on this, they are a super intelligent race of beings that have the best sense of humor EVER!¡ They think 3 times as fast as people on Earth and can traverse land and air, meaning they can fly. Now, you wouldnt know it but they are actually all around u. Realmly activity spawns all around us at all times. To see it you have to know somebody and have an open mind to the different possibilities that are all around you. What if there are aliens right behind you and you didnt know it, but they can see you and interact with you because, there is a you right where you are in other realmly patterns of life. This may be all hard to believe but its true. Ive had the opportunity to meet some of the other realmy lifeforms and there is a really diverse bunch of personalities in each lightform. There are snide ones who are alot like Demons, though this is no fairytale. There are cool ones, ones with amazing perseption and class and style and ones who are Flat Out Awesome!¡ ii went through a very tumultuous time from my teen years, to now and only just a few years ago... because the tumultuous time i was going thru, a group of light sailors so to speak... made thier way through a gruling trek to join me and whoever else was hurting from this kind of temultuous activity going on that litterally haunted me for one, and drove me to the point of extreeme sadness.. due to the constant screaming and harrassment  of these otherly beings that... i dont want to get into right now because as we speak these otherly lifeforms are listening into my every thought, constantly they survey my mind, and over the course of 20 years or so, became very accustomed to treating me poorly with thier will and power. So i dont want this introduction to be all about them. 

   Consider this.. on a planet like Earth with 3x the gravity the air would be alot thicker.. the water would be thicker the dirt packed tightlyer... and if said plantet had an atmosphere of pure gold and a river of pure diamonds everybody on earth would want to go to that planet right?.. well probly not because we'd have to be well shielded and protected from the natural evironment because any tempurature that can turn water into diamond or i meant to say diamond into a river like flowing thing... we wouldnt survive so good, but these life forms i am speaking of did. So... stay wit me.. 3x or greater the Gravity.. so that means these life forms would be very dense in the physical properties they are made up of.. also because Gravity is stronger there these friends of mine.. and a few vagrants... are likely very tiny, though Huge in heart. Im not crazy yall, what i am describing is my actual timeline and experiences of events i went through with otherly and awesomely life forms and they talk to me daily and we laugh.. and cry... and coverse and i enjoy almost each and every one of their personalities and i must tell you... if you think youve heard funny before... you havent.. man on earth hasnt invented it yet. Which leads me to my first answer to the universe as dictated and spelled correctly by my Niggas and hood bitches as i referr to them as..... life is about Love and the more you Love something the more you will get Love. Basicly thats the key to Life. So what will you do with this info... tear it up?? Laugh at it and scoff?? Well i am telling you i am right about all the stuff i say and this is the actual reality we ALL share in this world and the govment already knows this stuff but they dont have the heart to tell you that there is too many awesome and awesome Not aliens and other realmly life out there to keep track of.

   Yet i am constantly put into psych ward after psych ward.. U.S. govment is screwing things up and screwed me over and how many other americans not to mention the world needs to hear my testimony. The U.S. must unearth this truth and tell us ALL what i am unearthing here today as you read.

    But they would say, not everyone gets to interact with such lighfforms which is true.. you must know some of these life forms or have some sort of in with them to be privlaged to spend time with them.. first and foremost. They dont just spend time they have to be awsomest-ists for nothin. So some people get jealous and resentful and decide well if im not let in to what is obviously the dopest group around then i just wont accept that they are even real. And you'll scoff and read on...

    To be clear these are God like, super amazing lifeforms and they dont approve of how everyone act. First off... no WAR. To prove that you are worthy enough you must be able to dictate and or republicate your selves without coming to war. If you cant, you are not diplomatic enough and therefore less interesting to them so they will pass u up. Believe me... you want thier presence... these are Godly beings and they do Godly stuff, but not all everything, just anybody wants, but they have incredible abilities as would centuries longer than humans they have had to evolve... in harsher climates.. and with different elements surrounding them. Thier Super!¡

    So listen if you are not one who gets to share in thier splendor, dont be affraid and scoff or worse... figure out what you need to do to help yourself gain thier approval because they are way smarter by lightyears to be exact and they know whats best.. but dont be fooled by impersonation.. because the otherly realm lifeforms also reside... and they make people look foolish.

    The bottom line is Earth may never know about this, but this is my story and i lived it, its my reality and it is all reality... really.👌BCeezie

🥏Explaining Realm knowledge in contrast to our own and how to apply it

 The universe is like a kalidascope where as the realms move in rotation of eachother. When these realms or even parallel U's rotate a new realm is put over our existing existence. So there are as many of U's as there are realms pluss parallell universi. So when U are you and the realms shift you incorperate another you from a different realm.. and there are countless U's, all a little different from eachother. So some of you could be a giant toe as a body lol. Others U's could be a kaidascope sparkle it all depends on how you preceve it. And so you arent so incredibly confused all the time by perceptively experiencing everything together at once... the Universe is Kind enough to help you only experience 2-3 - maybe 5 levels or a few more(for some others have less). So you see, everything around you is teaming with other worldly or other realmly activity. Its up to you and those above and below(dont forget the underworld below.. it might end up remembering to get you) to use your imagination and seeses... like one of the 12 major senses

There are five major senseses that people know about but they dont think about there are 12 major senseses that can be felt

Feels 🤙 Feelses

Touch 🤙 thouches

Seeing 🤙Seeses

Smell 🤙 Smells

Hearing 🤙 Hears

Taste 👌 Tasteses

Thats the first level of senses that exist

And there are 2 more...

Death 🤙 the Đeathses

And last but not least...

The Heavenses and The Heavenseses and the Đeathses and the Ďeathseses

You may ask why? I did... and hense........ the meaning of life. I believe the meaning of life is to LoveLove Love.

Help the little guy(like me)and the big guy(like MyNiggas whom are Gods helpers) might help you

 Fine... if nobody will help me help themselves... i will... post wierd shit all the time to enighten maybe future generations that want to help themselves and the world "beat the odds" so to speak like government agencies who havent a clue!¡ What they need to do is search for and find all the people like me who ar we helped by extracenturie beings like i am and put together all we know and make shit happen!¡ bc thats one of the lessons.. help the little guys and so on and so forth... please👌BCeezie

And thats the Lesson!¡

 The worstfull stuff is the universe telling me this is what you have to learn to be allowd to traverse the Universi. iLove👌BCeezie

The reason we cant tell people about aliens is because of what i just went thru and am still experiencing... and NopeFuck.. you dont want no parts of that bullshit... You not readdy for that shit. ii know that now. But fuckit some are and they are so advanced we fail in comparison.👌BCeezie

The Age of the Universe

 The Universe's might very well be 14 billion years old, but the Universii's age is over trillions of trillions of years old pluss trillions. The Universii is the culmination of the entire entirety of the Universe and Universii's all put together. Because as u will all see, the Universe is inside another Universe which is inside another Universii called Universi. Stick with me ill explain...👌BCeezie

Whats outside the Universe and possibly the Universii's

 Think of the universe as a living, breathing being like you and me.. if we go to space we cant survive. Well the universi are beings that survive in an atmosphere and or a place that is increddibly harsh according to our standards. So whats outside the Universi? Nothing good for you or ii. But.. some can survive it... like the Universii life.

🔮Thee Understandiing(about space travel)

 If you arent US Government affiliated or secret society dont read this you will not get it. Just keep scrolling.. lol, im forced to write this stuff out of hopes of enlightening the un-enlightened for hopes of surviving the nuclear holocaust that is insueing upon Earth, Earthlings, and all life as we know it.. ya!¡ Fucked up shit is about¡! So strap up or as Fifty Cent says "get the strap".

The Trauma of experiencing or traversing the Universi's is so immense humans arent ready for true space time travel. The big, the smalls's.. to speak on the big and the small'ss.. something humans are not one bit familliar of... there is a microverse, there is a past you, a future you, a present you and all ways in the universe in any way possible can be traversed.. if... and thats a big if... you can withstand the immense preasure... and not just the pressure of the vacume of space but the preasure of allspace... which is all things, ways, times, realms, universii, multiversii... things like that. You have to be made of elements that can withstand pressure and especially... radiation! The immense and i mean.. liquify your heart and brain instantly... kind of radiation is too much for humans to bear let alone survive. 

Unless you wear a suit of sorts.. but no such suits exist on such a plane as this. My Niggas whom i speak, or thinks's with about all of this stuff.. know this stuff for certain as they are cross dimentional reference beings and or life forms that exist in a vacume sealed bubble.. so to speak of... that houses the elemental elements they need to survive under the immense pressure it takes to traverse interdimentionally.

Thats what you learn when you begin to gain the Understanding and i mean THEE UNDERSTANDING. The Understanding is something taught.. not learned. As it has to be instilled in you and its basically the universes effect on your psychii after you learn just a small(but large to our inferrior minds) part or fraction of truth, reality, and hense.. Thee Understanding. That is why the reasons why people are kept in the dark from the truth about interdimentional and other realmly activity on Earth, bc... its like twisting your mind up in a million different knots, and that is what The Understanding feels like... and humans just cant handle it. You might say.. "well im smart and strong and rich(mr. Baysos).. i will try to learn this technology and traverse the universe freely. But you, i, and anybody that is human, simply put cannot do it physically and mentally especially. Its like having your whole life torn to shreds sitting in one place. All your emotional fortitude, and love for love and life ripped from you and... nothing happened. The Understandiing. You remaine in the place you were before Thee apiffiny(if you can call it that) better known as The Understandiing to those in the know. Like i said you cannot learn this Understanding of the universii1, you must be taught it or simply experience the immense weight of the universe on the human mind which is basically what The Understandiing is. I would like to teach this stuff to the world. Thats what im here to do. if you're smart enough to follow along reading im impressed. You must have workers behind you helping your understanding bc people, humans of Earth pale in compairison to the intillect and seemingly magic of the hyperintelligent life that is teaming thruought the galaxy. That is what im here to tell you. We are Đumb In compairison to what is truly out there. So are they out there.. yes very... but do they pose a threat... yes they do.. more than your feeble mind can compute or even imagine without The Understandiing. And im talking about millions of years of The Understanding effecting these other life forms and millions of other elements changing thier molecular structure bc as nobody knows, when you travel to another dimentional diasection, the whole area you go to changes in molecular structure. Imagine nothing makes sense. That iis The Understandiing. We on Earth ar lucky enough not to have to be put under such pressure of the Universe on our minds, hense The Understandiing, which is if you recall, when nothing makes any sense repeatitly, over and over again simultainiously with every single next thought simultainiously with every single thought. So what your thinking now, makes no sense at all, and that small train of thought you think next, makes no sense, and on to the next thought makes no sense... and so on and so forth. Thought you still have your cognitive thinking about you... your mind cannot compute traversing over to the next universii which is next to the easiest one way to travel the Universii. There is so much to it.. how do i not have the attention of the us Government from what i went through and am going thru now.. are thier others like me going through what you must be put through to be taught The Understandiing. 

So the big question...! Are thier life on Earth other than human form.. the answer is YesFuck!¡ but you will never catch them as they are WAY more advanced, so invanced advanceded in fact that to think you could is merely them toying with you. Did you get that?... merely thinking anything to revolt against them is them playing games with your mind that you can do so. But you cant, cause thats just them playing wit you.

The Understanding is like all the wrapping coming off of your scull and you being alright. Interspacial or interspaceal travel is like actually having the wrapping on your scull peelt off and you not being alright. Unless you have safe passage but that is more a journey of the mind for humans of Earth as physically humans cannot do the time, speed, interdimentional, realmly, worm hole-iey, any other way- travel. You need to be made of denser elements like for instance... imagine another planet with 4 or 5 times the gravity... would the atmosphere be thinner because of heavier gravity? No not neccisarily, the elements and elemental elements(humans still dont know about) would be produced by the planetary succoming of the elements in the atmosphere would bond together denser.. and whatever life formed there too. Boom!¡ Now anybody smart enough to read this and understand this.. which very few are... come and find me. Us Government!¡ Wanna learn about the secrets of the universe Come FIND me. Before its too late. Believe me you want to know what i will tell you. Or im not given that info and we all die whorribly and terrible to every and any degree. There. I think i made myself clear. So what dumbass is in charge in the government that the Governmental scientists dont want to learn how to "beat the odds" as they call it. If you dont maybe ill be the only one who does.........👌BCeezie

⚗🧪🔬💧🌜🌛Extra Exractually Exractulated Methamphetamine Extract

 This is how you make Extra Exractulated Extractually Extracted Exract

The key to extra extractually extracted syrums is put whatever it is you are extra extractually exrracting and put it under as much preassure as you can, then run a tube, without touching it... and run whatever is being extracted to a basein that heats it up to extract it with heat, like boiling, then run a tube from whatever it is you are extracting with heat or boiling, to a basin that extracts with gravity waves or gravity so strong it corrolates with the same as that of the speed of light with, do this with accelorated particles. Then scrape the base formula after all that from the bottom or base extractor.(in a nutshel)👌BCeezie

🪬The "that way" and the "this way" of speach. And expression.

  The "That Way" is sooo confusing to a human like me from Earth that is very very "This Way". So there is the "Thi...