Please heed my ⚠️warning. We will all die horrible deaths if we continue to treat the Earth this way. We must! I repeat we MUST! I repeat again we MUST!¡ do what we can with what time, be it little or small, that we have left. This is how... we must make sure we can make Extra Extractualted everything. Because the space around us is under immense preasure so if we are to brave the elements, or lack there of, of space and time and place and wined(winde is a term for the love or lack thier of((so to speak))) it will take us to survive the worstfullness of space and time and plunder or maker. Now, i know these are new terms but.. stay wit me. If we want to make our own way to paradise, which i assure you exists in a sort of fashion that there is an exact way to get there through inter-spacial travel to a finite point... then we must learn how to adapt to our surroundings, or climate.. or in other words... in space. We must make sure we are making the best of our time so remember to keep your belly half full of water at all times and we will begin.
When we wonder whats out there, we must first begin to imagine whats inside us first. What does the circulatory system look like? What does the service system in our body look like and all facets like such. But we cannot begin until your belly is half filled with water so drink up and keep it half filled with water as this is hyper intelligent information by authors whom are well more advanced and evolved than us. So drink, half fill your belly with water and keep it that way, otherwise you gonna get tired and go to sleep reading this.
Now, we ready? Ok... there is a bit of us in every, there is a bit of every in us. So what we need to know is, is there a bit of 🌟star in us as well...? Hmm? Yes well there is star dust in all that we see. So where is the rest of our star dust? Its deep inside your heart and soul. Believe it or not there is star dust in us all. Even the ones who appear soulless, which is where ii begin.... do we deserve to go to the stars as dictated by Starr-Sone Travel Committie? The answer for most of us is, yes.. and no... so maybe. Lets just leave it at that. We cant just bring all or everybody or everyone(as we are somebody's as we are human and MyNiggas are someone's as they are ones)... but we can bring the best of our best here on Earth as dictated by this reading. You hydrated still!¡¿? Better be... because it gets more complicated as we go on, exponentially more complicated.
So what are the best of the best? They are we... we are... the ones who can read this or write this or be as awesome as the awesome ones i call myniggas. We make, we weigh, we want. That is the key to making us be. So what do we do when we make and it weighs and they want?... anyways did i loose you yet?... ya, different termanology down here then out there... so let me ask you do we make you want or will or weigh. See you have to know this stuff if you gonna make it... and personally on a side note i Christ Wilson, the author or writer of this information.. have no idea what they are asking me to answer here.
So ill take over Christ, my nigga, you are a group of hyper intelligent beings known as hibreds. We are making you aware the world is coming to an end, and everything in it and on it will be destroyed.. but... if we make our own way, we can all make way for us all to weigh out what we want want take us to the stars with what we have. And nothing else. Thats is how it is done. Believe it. Usually there is no return. So take comfort in this aspect that, if you love traveling... we will all be happii. Lol.
I know... the end of the world is cray cray to talk about but... it happens. Believe me, i know ive seent it. My own world was destroyed by asteroids and if we dont act now, as ive seen, we will all parish. So make sure we all get what we need, not what we wantall, and we will get to giving The Lesson. The lesson is, what i learned slowly and painfully, as safe as the Universe. So not safe at all. But with any luck, we will survive. Which is a common theme in fact. The meaning of love and life is to survive.
SURVIVAL: we are to breed, make weigh, and make way to the other passage to survive. The other passage is a place where people like us thrive... but dont get excited yet... and drink water now... and understand that there is a way for us all to co-exist. Thats the first Lesson. We all must make it.
We all have a chance, we all have a will and we all make way for ourselves. We dont want to be, but we do anyways be awesome.👌