If you arent US Government affiliated or secret society dont read this you will not get it. Just keep scrolling.. lol, im forced to write this stuff out of hopes of enlightening the un-enlightened for hopes of surviving the nuclear holocaust that is insueing upon Earth, Earthlings, and all life as we know it.. ya!¡ Fucked up shit is about¡! So strap up or as Fifty Cent says "get the strap".
The Trauma of experiencing or traversing the Universi's is so immense humans arent ready for true space time travel. The big, the smalls's.. to speak on the big and the small'ss.. something humans are not one bit familliar of... there is a microverse, there is a past you, a future you, a present you and all ways in the universe in any way possible can be traversed.. if... and thats a big if... you can withstand the immense preasure... and not just the pressure of the vacume of space but the preasure of allspace... which is all things, ways, times, realms, universii, multiversii... things like that. You have to be made of elements that can withstand pressure and especially... radiation! The immense and i mean.. liquify your heart and brain instantly... kind of radiation is too much for humans to bear let alone survive.
Unless you wear a suit of sorts.. but no such suits exist on such a plane as this. My Niggas whom i speak, or thinks's with about all of this stuff.. know this stuff for certain as they are cross dimentional reference beings and or life forms that exist in a vacume sealed bubble.. so to speak of... that houses the elemental elements they need to survive under the immense pressure it takes to traverse interdimentionally.
Thats what you learn when you begin to gain the Understanding and i mean THEE UNDERSTANDING. The Understanding is something taught.. not learned. As it has to be instilled in you and its basically the universes effect on your psychii after you learn just a small(but large to our inferrior minds) part or fraction of truth, reality, and hense.. Thee Understanding. That is why the reasons why people are kept in the dark from the truth about interdimentional and other realmly activity on Earth, bc... its like twisting your mind up in a million different knots, and that is what The Understanding feels like... and humans just cant handle it. You might say.. "well im smart and strong and rich(mr. Baysos).. i will try to learn this technology and traverse the universe freely. But you, i, and anybody that is human, simply put cannot do it physically and mentally especially. Its like having your whole life torn to shreds sitting in one place. All your emotional fortitude, and love for love and life ripped from you and... nothing happened. The Understandiing. You remaine in the place you were before Thee apiffiny(if you can call it that) better known as The Understandiing to those in the know. Like i said you cannot learn this Understanding of the universii1, you must be taught it or simply experience the immense weight of the universe on the human mind which is basically what The Understandiing is. I would like to teach this stuff to the world. Thats what im here to do. if you're smart enough to follow along reading im impressed. You must have workers behind you helping your understanding bc people, humans of Earth pale in compairison to the intillect and seemingly magic of the hyperintelligent life that is teaming thruought the galaxy. That is what im here to tell you. We are Đumb In compairison to what is truly out there. So are they out there.. yes very... but do they pose a threat... yes they do.. more than your feeble mind can compute or even imagine without The Understandiing. And im talking about millions of years of The Understanding effecting these other life forms and millions of other elements changing thier molecular structure bc as nobody knows, when you travel to another dimentional diasection, the whole area you go to changes in molecular structure. Imagine nothing makes sense. That iis The Understandiing. We on Earth ar lucky enough not to have to be put under such pressure of the Universe on our minds, hense The Understandiing, which is if you recall, when nothing makes any sense repeatitly, over and over again simultainiously with every single next thought simultainiously with every single thought. So what your thinking now, makes no sense at all, and that small train of thought you think next, makes no sense, and on to the next thought makes no sense... and so on and so forth. Thought you still have your cognitive thinking about you... your mind cannot compute traversing over to the next universii which is next to the easiest one way to travel the Universii. There is so much to it.. how do i not have the attention of the us Government from what i went through and am going thru now.. are thier others like me going through what you must be put through to be taught The Understandiing.
So the big question...! Are thier life on Earth other than human form.. the answer is YesFuck!¡ but you will never catch them as they are WAY more advanced, so invanced advanceded in fact that to think you could is merely them toying with you. Did you get that?... merely thinking anything to revolt against them is them playing games with your mind that you can do so. But you cant, cause thats just them playing wit you.
The Understanding is like all the wrapping coming off of your scull and you being alright. Interspacial or interspaceal travel is like actually having the wrapping on your scull peelt off and you not being alright. Unless you have safe passage but that is more a journey of the mind for humans of Earth as physically humans cannot do the time, speed, interdimentional, realmly, worm hole-iey, any other way- travel. You need to be made of denser elements like for instance... imagine another planet with 4 or 5 times the gravity... would the atmosphere be thinner because of heavier gravity? No not neccisarily, the elements and elemental elements(humans still dont know about) would be produced by the planetary succoming of the elements in the atmosphere would bond together denser.. and whatever life formed there too. Boom!¡ Now anybody smart enough to read this and understand this.. which very few are... come and find me. Us Government!¡ Wanna learn about the secrets of the universe Come FIND me. Before its too late. Believe me you want to know what i will tell you. Or im not given that info and we all die whorribly and terrible to every and any degree. There. I think i made myself clear. So what dumbass is in charge in the government that the Governmental scientists dont want to learn how to "beat the odds" as they call it. If you dont maybe ill be the only one who does.........👌BCeezie
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