Saturday, July 24, 2021

Realm Jumpers and Thee Understandiing

 For 20+ years i have been mentally tormented by an undisclosed, inanimate life-form who has many.. names... but ii learned his name as Justyn. In fact he is an alien from another planet who seeked refuge from a failing civilization somewhere in another Galaxy close by.  Jfaggit, as i call him, because of his incessant and non stop, to no end constant tormenting harassment and stalking me evey day in and day out... From the moment I wake up every morning until the moment I go to sleep every night. This life form has many alike on Ærth but we dont see them because they are made of compounds not visible to peopl÷e from this realm or dimention. Rather pathetic, Justyn cannot seem to mature and spends his time sociopathically stalking and tormentingly harrassing me TO NO END. It took me so Long to figure out that this, that, followed me and not a who or any kind of human at all. 20 years i spent with torment i deem to offensive to repeat or want to relive or think about ever again but will if neccisarry. Him and his constituencies lived on a different planet before Ærth, one with gravity over 3 times that of earth... that means different compounds in the atmosphere and ground just think.. even the air molecules could have been denser and because Gravity is a stronger pull, he might be very very small but dense as all could be, possibly even seemingly indestructible unless you Never'đťt him to not one thing(Meaning to entirely burn'đ away to smitherines so he can never ever regenerate as it is possible that he is a regenerating life-form or a ďemon from another realm or dimention. Imagine a drunk heckling asshole of an offensive douche bag able to follow you and spy on you no matter where you are to the point he harrasses you 24/7 and 363 days a year day in day out, only taking something like 2 days off a year meanwhile he uses a esp or brainwashing and introspective-like techniqe of reading my mind and in some instances.. controlling my thoughts and imagery while, i shower... poop.... have sex with my girlfriend!¡ And he yells manipulative and i MEAN, Manipulative to a new power of MANIPULATIVE, harrassment and plays your mind against itself. Thee Worstfulness Must End!¡ Now¡! ii cannot be the only person who has descovered this much about him, someone or somebody somewhere on Ærth must have similar experiences with such a discgrosting and vile and pathetic thing i know as Jfaggit or Justyn... at least enough to compair and confirm my so intricate, and elaborate torment from such a ďemon or Life-form.  My suspicion is that him and his constituencies have been on Earth for around 2000 years and they have been tormenting and brainwashing Is humans on Earth for centuries. I learned that he and his constituencies Are extremely jealous of some people namely me and for all that is rightious and sane and inteligent in me i cannot figure out... why?#HeMustBeAFaggit

Until now... its all a part of the lesson of Thee Understandiing that we all need to get before we can traverse space and time and realms and stuff like that. So dont be affraid bc... shit happens, and theres notta near nadda you can do bout it👌BCeezie

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