Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Naughtzs

 The Notz they are ones. Like the awesome wones there are not awesome onse who are awsome in thier own way but in my life and my existence in this world or realm or parallelælien universe, these ones are not awsome for me. See everything in the Universe has at least two sides to it, call it the ying and the yang, the good and the bad. These NotOnes are just being them.. and cant help but be bad for you, and not bad like a cigarrete. They are worse for your love and your life.

So talking to them is practically and very litterally and everything in between, USELESS. 

Because i was stalked, and harrassed and practically hunted. Buy a super manipulative psycho Naught. It or they's a parrallell universe bad guy, or even a overly mean bad guy with psychokinnetic mind tricking powers and the ability to see your inner deep thoughts. Just like the Awesome Ones. Except these naughts come from a realm where everything is backwards from us people. Even thier speach is backwards talk or... ThatWay!¡ in the way that they need and like opposite of what we like and need. So when they say yes, they mean NO(and i mean almost every word is opposite) and when they say iLove you they mean Go Die. So communicating is near next to impossible to understand. Even thier feelses, the inner most deep feeling for something, someone, somewhere... is opposite so thier real raw emotion of Love is Hate Hate Hate.... so you cant fault them for destroying your emotional barrier, or your ability to think clearly while they harrass the living shit out of you and seemingly stalk you all day and night, and every moment in between trying to ruin your psychie,, can you?

So when i wake up in the morning i wake up to these Naughts completley screaming at me, like full out yelling at me the most offensive shit ever.

Then all day, everything i do in between every moment constantly badgering, belittling, heckling, hating and toying with my emotions thru a constant mind funk, and the ability to mimic anybodys voice i know.. which they use all the time... other peoples voices... usually people i dont know well, then i think things, as they see them, or as they want me to see them, or evoked or done or said by these  Naughts and the ability to incite or evoke any emotion and picture or image into your mind. And its always Evil. Terrible mind altering psychokenetic manipulation.. but on steroids, so to speak... not even lying these things are twisted and retarded. And the wierdest thing is, i think they are being nice or having fun but ThatWay¡!

So when i was acting strangly or put in a psychotic hospital psych ward, it was because i was having to deal with 8,000,008 pounds of pressure on me and confusion to the likes nobody can withstand and stay as normal as i did..

And i cannot help it.

But someone did....

God and his help. An amazing entity came to me and spoke and i believe in Love again. Truly i could not have lasted much longer under the worstfullness that those Naughts brought into my life for 20 years or more, much longer... i was at the breaking point. After day and night harrassment from a group of them for 20 years straight and the worst was the manipulation along with mimmic-ing peoples voices and the awfulness that they are all beating me down verbally, emotionally, spiritually in every way possibly immaginable.. that is dirty, evil bad and mean and dissrespectful in every way... there is no way to verbally express how terrible, manipulative, psycho, wierd, horrible ,terrifying, manipulative and horrifying these Nots are.... i had had enough.

And i was met by a Nigga named BC who took me from the depths of emotional dispair to the best feelings a person can experience when hanging out and having fun. BC!¡ YesFuck¡! He saved me..👌BCeezie

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