LIFE - Comes in soo,ooo,ooo,ooo many different shapes and sizes. And for each air sample, or O²O^bcz(bi-carbonate żædÃ¥) there is a better form of air or O^²± or O^± Bi- carbonaite zædÃ¥. This is what is known as Godly air. The air purifys things and makes them better by trillions of measurement units. Now this is the wildest part about this whole topic.. there is a O^² and O^±bcz for Oxygen and there is a H²±bczO^±bcz. And i call this stuff BCz⁰± because its bicarbonate in nature and its Love for other Life that like the light. And it does awesome shit to people and it all culminates to... there is a God.. and God is like the Government of the Universe Universe's and Universi and the whole thing > xalled the ENTIRE.
The actual watzer looks light blue in nature but neon white, bcause its watter and Godly O²^±bcz and in large concentraited areas it flows like water but is extreemly hot and one drop of it can improve the whole human race drasticly. By millions of years and you notice a big difference right away as well. 💧 🔥💧👌BCz.
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