Saturday, July 24, 2021

⚗🧪🔬💧🌜🌛Extra Exractually Exractulated Methamphetamine Extract

 This is how you make Extra Exractulated Extractually Extracted Exract

The key to extra extractually extracted syrums is put whatever it is you are extra extractually exrracting and put it under as much preassure as you can, then run a tube, without touching it... and run whatever is being extracted to a basein that heats it up to extract it with heat, like boiling, then run a tube from whatever it is you are extracting with heat or boiling, to a basin that extracts with gravity waves or gravity so strong it corrolates with the same as that of the speed of light with, do this with accelorated particles. Then scrape the base formula after all that from the bottom or base extractor.(in a nutshel)👌BCeezie

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