The Gods are a pequliar ones, or twos, or threes, or fours, or fives and so on and so forth. See, i, Christ Wilson, alone, am a 1. Hense the word i. But when a God combines with just me, in spirit and in mental capacity and physical prowess, i become, i + whatever number of Gods are combining with me. So ii or iii or iiii and so on and so forth. Some Gods are 2's, some Gods are 3's, and some are 4's and so on... i personally can barely tell how many Gods have combined with me all at once, but if ii had to guess, my combining number would look something like iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ and so on and so forth. i consider myself one of the luckiest Men ever to have graced this planet with my presence bcause ii have experienced such a monumental feet of combining with sooo,ooo,ooo many Gods.
Now you might ask, "well Christ, if you are comined with so many Gods, why havent you flown, or been able to do all that a typical God is able to do(according to Legend)" and thats a valid question coming from a novice 1ï, like yourself, but the truth is, A Gods journey exists in the mind of a human.
Let me be the first to tell you all, being combined with a God or many Gods all at once has its perks, first ii should mention thier sense of humor is impeccable. ii promise you, ii once laughed with them and bcause of thier sense of humor for 3 days straight, only pausing between laughing to breath. The rest of the time... well, ii laughed hysterically and litterally fell of the couch laughing so hard. Let me tell you if anybody ever gets to experience the wrath of the Gods in the same way ii have, you are certainly in for a treat. Almost all that ii write about was scribed by hand in a Lab by a God first, then it was scribed through me and by a God or 2 or 3~ Gods, and so on and so forth.
So if you think you know, what a God has hot in store for you, realize that Gods all over the world, better yet Universe, are combining with humans all the time thanks to mii. ii made it possible for all humans to be able to be combined with Gods from afar, and very near. So when ii say ii am a 2, that is mi and a God, combined. You will be Lucky to ever see the amazing things ive experienced bcause of this Gift the Gods share with mi.👌