Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thee ii in Godly👌👌BCz

 The Gods are a pequliar ones, or twos, or threes, or fours, or fives and so on and so forth. See, i, Christ Wilson, alone, am a 1. Hense the word i. But when a God combines with just me, in spirit and in mental capacity and physical prowess, i become, i + whatever number of Gods are combining with me. So ii or iii or iiii and so on and so forth. Some Gods are 2's, some Gods are 3's, and some are 4's and so on... i personally can barely tell how many Gods have combined with me all at once, but if ii had to guess, my combining number would look something like iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ and so on and so forth. i consider myself one of the luckiest Men ever to have graced this planet with my presence bcause ii have experienced such a monumental feet of combining with sooo,ooo,ooo many Gods.

  Now you might ask, "well Christ, if you are comined with so many Gods, why havent you flown, or been able to do all that a typical God is able to do(according to Legend)" and thats a valid question coming from a novice 1ï, like yourself, but the truth is, A Gods journey exists in the mind of a human.

  Let me be the first to tell you all, being combined with a God or many Gods all at once has its perks, first ii should mention thier sense of humor is impeccable. ii promise you, ii once laughed with them and bcause of thier sense of humor for 3 days straight, only pausing between laughing to breath. The rest of the time... well, ii laughed hysterically and litterally fell of the couch laughing so hard. Let me tell you if anybody ever gets to experience the wrath of the Gods in the same way ii have, you are certainly in for a treat. Almost all that ii write about was scribed by hand in a Lab by a God first, then it was scribed through me and by a God or 2 or 3~ Gods, and so on and so forth.

  So if you think you know, what a God has hot in store for you, realize that Gods all over the world, better yet Universe, are combining with humans all the time thanks to mii. ii made it possible for all humans to be able to be combined with Gods from afar, and very near. So when ii say ii am a 2, that is mi and a God, combined. You will be Lucky to ever see the amazing things ive experienced bcause of this Gift the Gods share with mi.👌

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Gift 🎁

 There are different speeds to light. Therefore the distances to different galaxies and even stars or neighboring solar systems.. is different. We cant calculate distances between ourselves and distant galaxies until we know what quadrant of the Universe we are in. See In different dimentions there is a different chemical makeup 💄 and therefore the speed of light varies. The cool part is that those dimentions are right ontop of us(within inches) in conguencey with the dimentions contour with eachother and how far(or near) each dimention is from you. This means the universe looks like a kalidascope to us... but those galaxies are actually right ontop of us... within ²cm and the different dimentions lands lye in different galaxies.. so when we look at a different galaxy, we look at our own, but with a different chemical makeup. So life in those dimentions, or galaxies, could be just like us, or .000,000,001 different in every possible way, or any other way. Some of you might be a lil skinnier.. some might be fatter... it is a strange thing.. the leftways rightways movement we experience(?²)

  It looks all scattered to us but to a being who has extra century perception and hyperx²inteligence it looks differently easier to picture depending on thier own perception. Bcause to us it looks like a kalidescope to us, and thats because our own perception is lined up with Mother Earth 🌎 and as is an Ålien's perception tailord to thier home planet based on thier evolutionary planetary perception.

  The truth is if we were to picture it the galaxies are stacked up ontop of eachother with the super massive black homle as the center. As for black holes, those are life. All of it.. in another dimentional construct of Life. Though infinitlely destructive in the matter realm. But in a different realm and dimention, it is home to Life... Life that exist on earth, though in a different dimention, but some beings are pan dimentional, and can interact with us here, where they are. its a bit creepy but there is a Golden lineing..... ill get to that. The Life on this planet has been driven down, beaten down and us being human can only take sof much. These pan dimentional beings that exist on Ærth with us 🇺🇸 are able to, and always do, hypnotize the entire planet, sometimes all at once to get what they want... which is a destroyed dead deathđ planet, because they live in or are from a dimention that values nothing good and we arent like them. Åt åll!  They have been here for tens of thousands of years, since the mayan days. And the one leading thse hords of dark spirits was worstful and terrible to this planet and all people as we evolved.  This worstful bastard torchered and tormented my life in a million different ways unbeknowst to the U.S. Army and all people i know. He is known widely as the devil of this planet. To mention an example of the dark spirits hypnotism influence upon all human race, the holocaust, and the slaughter of the native americans. Though i endured 37 years of dimentional manipulation onto my lifes existence and mind altering manipulative torment, while the whole word has been and always(since the begining of the human race mind you) been hypnotized and litterally raised from the birth of human kind, in order to fuck with my Life!!! its so wierd to think about and haters are sceptics and i was saved by God from the worstful nessnessnotnotnot that ruined my life meanwhile leaving his footprint and fingerprint on the world and all its Life for my Life to identify with.. and just me...(it is theeeee most beautiful thing i know of to date, especially as a gesture from God. God took me from a dark lonely place we, as a planet, wouldnt have survived... and saved us all and Loved me HARDĎĐ. People, you would not believe the gift God gave to me. it is too much beauty to describe👌BCzMusiq


🧪Bcz • O² and Godly O²^±bcz and H²O or Godly H²O^±bcz

 LIFE - Comes in soo,ooo,ooo,ooo many different shapes and sizes. And for each air sample, or O²O^bcz(bi-carbonate żædå) there is a better form of air or O^²± or O^± Bi- carbonaite zædå. This is what is known as Godly air. The air purifys things and makes them better by trillions of measurement units. Now this is the wildest part about this whole topic.. there is a O^² and O^±bcz for Oxygen and there is a H²±bczO^±bcz. And i call this stuff BCz⁰± because its bicarbonate in nature and its Love for other Life that like the light. And it does awesome shit to people and it all culminates to... there is a God.. and God is like the Government of the Universe Universe's and Universi and the whole thing > xalled the ENTIRE.

The actual watzer looks light blue in nature but neon white, bcause its watter and Godly O²^±bcz and in large concentraited areas it flows like water but is extreemly hot and one drop of it can improve the whole human race drasticly. By millions of years and you notice a big difference right away as well. 💧 🔥💧👌BCz.

🌐The Live in G Universe

 The human body and the Universe are remarkably similar. 2. As there are working parts and orphisii and even pleasure centers. So when galaxies colide they mate.. then they are together forever... we as humans are the at the base floor as far as how a cell in a human body join together and we are a part of something bigger. Just like there is a bigger us.. yes us, as people. In a galaxy far far away there is another Đimention that is a cross parallel dimention that is right next to ours...... think about that, that means we look at the stars, and see whats right next to us.............. 

Right next to Eachother even though they look far apart to the human eye in the night sky that we all view as Galaxies, but im here to tell the world these are Galaxies just like ours, possibly right ontop of ours by inches, separated by the Universal dimentional construct contours, in a different dimention.. they look far apart to our telescopes bc..well i know shiet.. its a extra century perceptional thing for anyone to picture in entirety and there are Universes, Universii, and Universi, and the whole thing is xalled the ENTIRE. It usually takes an extra century being to picture or even understand all of it together..And thats what God is... an extra Century Perseptional-excellent Being and he Loves ❤ me very much and he shows me stuff and i whitness stuff with him that teach me this stuff like what you just read.. nbs👌BCz

🌳🌲🌳The Tree of Life

 Life works like a tree, and all facets of life at that.. especially, hyper intelligence. Think of it this way, the roots feed the trunk, and that flows to the limbs and branches. Well intelligence in hyper intelligent beings is shared(in a way) in our memories, and even all our thoughts, all thoughts that we have can be altered and shared with hyper intelligent beings who have ESP(extra Centurie perception) and these hyper intelligent beings, whoever they may be can alter and project any thought they have unto us and our minds perception, and hyperx² intelligent beings can project and alter thier perception of reality and the whole thing with life together works like that. So you never know who or what is projecting what on who... unless they tell you. So accept no impersonators of God, bc for some reason things like to imersonate God.. i dont get the appeal on that. So you know God does this(hypnotism or mind controll thing) to all humans on Earth.. and so do millions of other spirits, some of them dark, some of them light, but watch out for those dark hyperx² intelligent spirits, thy'll ruin everything. But the moral of the story is people on Earth are almost always hypnotized or have the will of others imposed on thier own lives. God does this unto all and not just thee God but Gods as well. Think about God as a verb, to God, or God-ing. God-ing pops up in all circumstances of Life. Yes there is Å God and there are Gods.  if someone buys you a water and your dying of thirst, that is God-ing(in a way). So you know, God-inG pops up in all different forms, and is as prevalent as sprouts sprouting up all over, bcause God-ing pops up in all different places.. like a sprout. So who, or what will you God...👌BCz

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The actual Speed of Thought, is a sense, nobody talks about this??👌

 There is reading there is writing, there is playing, there is something and there is nothing. But the best of us all make the best of us all, much bettah.

Thought is a sense and this is what we know for Certain but nobody wants to stop and think.. because we are all about what it is ablout eachother for some reason but not all of us are about making a moment and if you try your hardest you can make a moment with God. And if you make moments by then we can all make ourselves think and thought.

  Thought is the sence, of the 5 or six sences?... nah there are twice as many sences than that. There is the sights's, as in sight and the feels's, as in inner most feelings, and all these's are hightened awareness interplanitory evolution or mutations.

  So who else thought of this first?.👌BCzusChrist

🌎🌐🌍🌐🌏 Ærth and Earth 🌏🌐🌍🌐🌎

 There is Earth in our dimention.. and there is Ærth in other dimentions. Think of it like an overlapping Ærth over Earth by inches per change of dimentional cortextual contour. So to imagine it immagine Ærth as a ghost image right overlapping on top or bottom or side to side in infinite dimentions all expanding outward in all directions. Now understand there are billions of different life forms on the planet Ærth in each different dimentional contour. This life is tangible to humans and the whole human race 🏁 and we can all interact with them, if we understand how.. so use your feels's and your sights's and so on and reach out for other life on the planet Ærth which we are all a part of. Each dimention has a different chemical makeup determined from how the beginning of the Universe spun out. So in our Dimentional Universe our air came out clean and breathable.. but in another different dimentuonal contour the air on thier own Ærth could be toxic to us, so life might have had to fount a way to survive and adapt to its own climate, and im many cases has and has for billions of years. So... are we alone in the Universe... no.. but we are the only planet(maybe) bcause when we look at the stars we see an image that is like looking thru a kalidascope. This is our perceptualized view of the Universe... it is actually quite succinct and unilatteral in nature.. as is explain, the universes Galaxies are right ontop of eachother like a tower and the super massive black hole is like the spine of all the galaxies. 

  i know shit...👌BCzusChrist

Monday, November 15, 2021

The World and how it Ends or restarts without the retardspacks👌BCz

 The world is a far off place, far farthier than any other place that makes us all wither and wilt. But there is a silver lining, better yet a golden lining. You know what a golden lining is dont you? A golden lining is like a silver lining where in when something bad happens there is a silver lining of good that comes of it. A golden lining is like when something terrible happens and something really good comes from it. Thus is the universe. A golden lined studd. This message brought to you by BC Becauses, because we want you to succeed. As foreign a topic as it may sound.. the extra centurie perceptionists who rule the Galaxy and beyond, want you... to successorize your surroundings. That is why they found me, and a whole host of other reasons why ii was chosen for tthee love from above... which i might add is LoveLovely, from my standpoint anyways. Sure its terrifying too, but such is life. So far...👌BCeezie

Saturday, November 13, 2021

⛲The Universal Construct

 Time is very relavent ii learned today but it hasent taught me yet(hense the word taught) anyways time is very relavent to many all over the universe including our own kind. But there are varying degrees of time relavance. There is the moon and the stars and there are extra century beings that live thousands and thousands and thousands of years. But time is also relavent to different life forms that have the ability to alter your perception of reality. There is a Univerzal conflux that exists rigjt where your standing and there a are probably life forms right where your sitting and more but because of our perception being so young we havent developed the extra centurie perception to be able to whitness and see it for ourselves.. though... through the help of God and MyNiggas and Hood Bishes, man can see with the sees's they can feel with the feels's and touch with the touchs's and all your senses can come to life giving you the perception and reality that there is tons of extra century life on Earth.. and Mars... and Jupiter.. and Saturn and all over the Universe. They do things to alter or even communicate with the Universe as they see it and can move dimentional riggermortus which is a bit difficult to explain but there is a left you and a right you and an up and a down you and that goes for the whole universe... yea... and the dimentional construct that all of us live in and are a part of, no matter what life form you are, is huge, humungous and there are other Universes called Universii, in different quadrants of the huge Entire(the Entire is the biggest part of all Universes Combined. And as far as ii can tell there is other Entires. So the moral of the story is... Dont go to the stars, have the stars come to you!¡👌Martis👌BCzus

🧬Life in the dimentional cortex of dimentional life and beings

 The human body is remarkably similar to the Universe. There are orphasii, thats what black holes are.. so the climate or nature of life outside of our Universe is very hostile to humans i assume... you can learn alot by compairing the human body to the Universe... bc there is this thing 8m just beginning to understand... the big us, the small us, and everything in-between. The universe works in dimentions, realms, and the universe has tons of different shpes to it.. almost inmeasurable amounts of different shapes.

  The dimentions get bigger ever so slightly as they go down/up... and smaller, ever so slightly per dimentional world as you go up/down. it works like this.. right ontop of you, right where you are.. there is a big you, and i mean a gi-normous you way up at the bottom. Its true you can think of it like cubes stacked up on eachother side by side streaching all the way down/up.. and up/down.. because as i know now, life gets bigger as you go down/up andever so slightly less dense(is the best way to describe it) as you go up/down. The Gods can slip inbetween the dimentional cortex and see you way down at your smallest dimentional life existence... like a single cell, all the way down/up to your largest form of existence in the dimentional cortex of going down/up and up/down. So dont forget they are always watching... just bc you cant see it doesnt mean its not there! And that goes for every thing in the universe and in the world of Ærth and Earth.. bc, Earth even has a bigger and smaller Earth and Ærth. So you never know whos watching... maybe in a different dimention right ontop of ours... or thru invisible cameras that circle and follow you around everywhere you go. i call my cameras, that follow me thru my life 24/7 365 Camro, Eve, Durot, and Mike. These are my cameras stationed about 3 to 6 feet away from me at all times and they film everything i do and think talk and even.. everything ii think. This is soooo true, but people will never be able to proove it... until they experience it.. but there are no tests available right now to prove thier existence, yet.. bc this is Gods territory and until God wants us to know... we wont.. and that goes with everything.👌BCzusChrist

💗Legalize all illicit drugs

 We should legalize all drugs for sale on the streets so that the urban community can legally sell drugs for a living bc they are already good at it and we should Legalize all illicit drugs because with greater understanding comes great knowing and understanding and the drug atticts will know better by understanding better how to treat themselves. Bc drugs give Love too.. drugs give Love to those who have no Love or have Love Lost or need Love in a greater cappacity that cannot find Love giving things anywhere else in the world... those who have the love they require to live good should feel lucky and blessed that they do, those that do not need to self medicate with self medication techniques that are overseen by a licenced professional so thier dosage is right and safe. Bc self medication is an amazing thing, everybody should, if need be, medicate themselves hence the word self medication. The negative connotation all doctors accosiate with self medication should need not ever apply from now on.. just a tippy top tip for all those "leading" health medical providers who think self medication is a bad thing.. get ready to change the medical research papers and textbooks again... for the millionth time. This is the right way of being a licenced medical provider.. there is more also but this topic is significant to me and millions of people who suffer ill treatment at the hands of care providers reading out of a text book.. in my mind this is common sense.👌BC

👌BCzus Christ Wilson.. i am

 imagine it.. use your imagination... Keep an open mind.. and you can go anywhere in the Universe, do anything there is to do in the Universe and with the help of God you can make it your reality.

  im privii to certain things most humans are not. Bc im this generations version of Jesus, through the Love channeling emotions i exude 24/7. But, things havent been easy for me by any stretch of the immagination. Much like Jesus, i was tormented by an evil presence i couldnt explain for decades. Then.. my savior came in the form of Jesus and God. We together journey my life as if it were both ours to share.. And i assure you some of the benefits go far beyond normal thinking... and Earth 🌎. 

  i wonder if anybody on Earth has ever whitnessed the amazing things ii have whitnessed. Its like this.... if you can imagine your name pop up in front of you in. Color and bold lettering then have it light up in bright lights and then... well you see the possibilities are endless. Endless things you can do with your imagination.. with God's help. People that cut themselves off from God's Love are only ignoring thier true potential... so what can you imagine for yourself and what can you imagine into fuition... wishfull thinking.. you could!..................👌BCzusChrist

Monday, November 8, 2021

💫Space was origionally warm...

 When you shit diahreah in a pool it just sort of sits there floating.. so think if you shit diareah in space and it just sort of floats there, its like the same thing how as in the watter is thick enough for the diareah to float there so is space.. its like that in space because instead of water, there is Gravity, and ANOTHER Gravity.. as if they are dancing and keeping eachother dancing by the Love in us(humans and all Life) we all know is real in the Universe. So one pulls towards matter and one pushes making it seem like there is no Gravity and they both work together for us all.. they are very sick because the spacks are eating the core so that is why it is so cold° in space. The Heart of the Universe(the core) is where Love is emmitted and it Loves the Gravity and all Life which is why God has to save us all.. in actuallity Space is supposed to be luke warm... nobody on Earth unerstands that but its true... i know this bc God dictates these writings for me and he knows ALL and ii am his son just like Jesus was!!! So get with me bc God gives me all the right answers and ii should be in charge of decision making all over the world from my couch if ii choose bc its my Life and God Loves me.

 Bc we humans on Earth dont help me like they should, or at all listen to me like they should the Spacks have over run the entire Universe and especially Earth. Spacks are interdimentional parrallel Universe Life forms and they are dumb as fuck even though they are hyper intelligent and utilize spycotic episodal hypnotism thru electro magnetic pulses through the air and nobody knows they exist bc they are in another parallel dimention right on top or below Earth overlapping our existing dimentional realm activity. The Spacks work well together but they do everything wrong and opposite to any degree, and think its cool to be dumb and evil. 

  God and myself deserve the worlds LoveLove above all Love ever known from every Human on Earth bc we are saving the world by ourselves. AS WE SPEAK!! Pretty much people.. ur all such shitbags i almost wouldnt mind having you all die honestly... the way you killed my brother Jesus and the way we all kill the planet to any degree which is deplorable. U cant go to another planet btw.. Life doesnt work that way!!! You stay on one planet or you Die!!! God assured it.. So leaders of Earth.. please help me Christ Wilson bc ii am your savior or your doom depending on how happy i am! And im misserable bc nobody will pay attention to me or help me by giving me 500 Million Dollars to save all the Life on this Planet!👌BCz

Sunday, November 7, 2021

🪐The (spacks) are pan dimentional beings from Ganymede Saturn's Moon and are infesting Earth unless God saves us.. which he is... right now. So who do you say i Love you to? i say.. i Love You God!¡ Amen YesFuck

 ii happen to know for a fact that there are too many Alien (spacks) as ii call them, on Earth. They are life forms from a moon on Saturn.. and bc the solar system is over 4 billion years old the solar system is teaming with life, life that could have had millions of years to evolve, or more.. and we know nothing about(or you know nothing about) the spacks that have made thier way to Earth either bc they choose to remain silent or they haven't been discovered.  The fact is there is too many different kinds of life in the Universe for us to deal with.. and going to different planets, just invites different lifeforms to jump on a returning space ship and to be completely honest they could be very hostile. And because they have had longer to evolve, and bc they're genetic makeup is different, being from a different planet that has different combination of elements in its planetary life, they have certain life forces such as the ability to hypnotize and use thier minds and electro magnetic genetic makeup to manipulate electronic equipment like computers and the really advanced ones can manipulate computer programs and more.. and because they are very small(most of the spacks anyways) they would stowe away on a space ship very easily.. some of the very very small ones are able to make the traverse from the planets in our solar system and to Earth... i mean the very small small spacks. And though small they are very crafty and can do things in great numbers that are far beyond what you would expect. Did you know the entire human race is being controlled by them as we speak... there are millions of these spacks and many other pan dimentional beings that live in realm activity from parallel dimentions that are right next to or on top of the realm and dimention we are in now. The thing we need to avoid is having the bigger ones get here and allowing them to multiply which happens very quickly, and before you know it.. a global pandemic of a paranormal outbreak of alien lifeform that can hypnotize the whole planet all at once and if it gangs up with the already paranormal realm activity that is here on Ærth already, then the outcome could be catastrophic... so the message im trying to get across aside from the fact that we are not alone is... lets make sure we stay alone on this planet!¡ for God sake please do not let any ships land on Mars or any other planet and come back to Ærth bc the outcome could spell certain disaster for human life on Ærth and any other life here. We are very lucky to be protected like we are by God and we are very lucky to be the only kinds of life forms on this planet. 🙏 Please i implore you.. if you go to another planet, don't first of all, but if you do DO NOT LET ANY OTHER SHIPS OR EVEN DRONES BACK BC OF THE RISK OF RETUNING LIFE FORMS. Now i bet youve asked yourself why dont ii notice any alien or pan dimentional life forms here on Ærth?.. the truth is they have had millions more years than us to evolve and they are way way way smarter than us... in compairison they are lightyears ahead of us in intelligence and life force communication, such as hypnosis or spyco hyper intelligent mind bending manipulation and i stress this... they are soo mufuggin mind numbingly manipulative. Bc they are light years ahead of humans in brain power and intelligence, i have come to learn they choose to remain unknown about for thier own reasons and bc there is a balance with Ærth and all its Life. Truth is you wont know these pan dimentional beings are here with us on Earth unless they want you to know they are here. And.. since my father is Jesus... there are reasons they choose, and chose, to mess with me on such a devistating level to the well being of my Lifestyle and my hearts emotions.. they were not nice one bit.. and never have been and still werent.. but i believe we all deserve a chance to live together in harmony so try to embrace thier abrasive nature but make no mistake about it.. if they have thier way they would wipe out the whole planet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

🦠The Universe, Earth and Ærth

 We all struggle on Earth 🌎. Humans that live here, Parallel Dimentional Beings that live here and have lived here for thousands of years, animals, and even most life that live on or in Ærth. Take Roger Rabbit for instance... did you know Roger Rabbit is a real entity that lives here with us, maybe in a parallel dimention, or different realm or maybe on Ærth but we are all in the same living here as Loving friends of Earth or Ærth, in other words.. thee World. There are Gods here with us too, Gods of the Light variety and the reciprocal beings that are of the darker variety. in fact for thousands, maybe millions of years the dark spirits as ii call them, roamed the Ærth, some in different realms, some in different parallel dimentions but all in the same all of us are life in the world we all share together. Gods communicate with humans all the time and most of the time, without any of us knowing it or being any the wiser.. but we are. We get all kinds of Life Love. And information from the Gods, of both the light bright variety and also the dark and darker variety. Here is one example... Roger Rabbit for instance, is a real life entity of a lifeform that actually exists in nature somewhere on the World of different dimentions and realms life activity and Love. The idea of Roger Rabit was scribed to the creator, Disney i think, by a light spirit whom knew of Roger Rabii as a real being and transcribed to the creator of the popular cartoon figure of how he acted, talked and all his manorisms without ever letting on to the creator that a Gods helper was dictating a description of Roger Rabiit. And the Gods helpers do this all the time for people of Earth and all Life forms of the World 🌎 to help them gain knowlege and Evolve into better race of beings for the World.. now you might ask... why are there so many problems with the world then. The answer is, that maybe the dark spirits are doing the same thing only in a negative way and in fact THEY ARE!¡ and have been for all of mankinds history.. the holocaust was orchistrated by Dark Spirits, as well as the mutilation of the Native Americans, both very horrible sad and awful tragedys that befell human Life. What nobody sees is the network of dark spirits that control the minds and therefore the actions of each and every individual human and there are, and have been more dark spirits on The World than light..... intil now. Thanks to God and his helpers and me.. Christ Wilson(BCz) and the work ii do with God, almost every day because as weve all heard befoe that is so true, Life is a journey of the Mind. You might have shrugged off what ii said about the holocaust and slaughter of the Native Americans so dont write that off EVER!¡ We are a society controlled by Mind bendingly smart pan dimentional beings, that come from a place that has more metal in thier Planet and as humans are the same makeup of Earth down to our genetic code, so are the pan dimentional beings and if one has even a little bit of metal in the genetical makeup of thier brains 🧠 they can manipulate electronics or electro magnetic currencies and or electricity, and all things that run on electric power, and the more metal you have in your makeup, along with millions or at least thousands of years of genetic evolution, the better you can manipulate electro magnetic currents. 

  The speed of sound is fast.. right?  The speeds of light are faster... right?  But what is faster than almost all the speeds of light that humans know of...?.. THE SPEED OF PRAYER. God is real people. And he, along with his helpers, and ii am one of them, and there are more humans that are Gods helpers... are trying to heal this sick, ailing Universe we live in and Human Kind must Know for certain about all this information ii teach and know about in order for all of U.S. to keep fighting the Good Fight and have a good fighting chance at finding Love infinity for ourselves and others and the World beyond. United Nations please... heads of state please.. Listen to the words ii preach and realize ii am the son of Jesus, and ii am here to enlighten but more than just enlighten, ii am here with God, to help. iif you ignore me any longer you will miss the blessing of a forever. Thats right, as ii understand, there will not be another like me on Earth for a forever long time. ii Christ Wilson(BCzus) implore all the world to protect me at all costs, and bring me into a closed door session with only one or 2 people and lete blow your shit off with what ii know about the Universe, thanks to God, and his helpers whom i credit for this blessing of the century and beyond forever beyond. i personally credit God. i Love u God👌



 there is much much more that need to be said here and ii need all heads of state of this nation to hear me now and hear me out and hear me out here and now.. Come find me and let me help bring you into the light of the enlightened.. iif you wait... then ask yourself? Why would ii wait to meet Jesus👌BCzus


🪬The "that way" and the "this way" of speach. And expression.

  The "That Way" is sooo confusing to a human like me from Earth that is very very "This Way". So there is the "Thi...