There are different speeds to light. Therefore the distances to different galaxies and even stars or neighboring solar systems.. is different. We cant calculate distances between ourselves and distant galaxies until we know what quadrant of the Universe we are in. See In different dimentions there is a different chemical makeup 💄 and therefore the speed of light varies. The cool part is that those dimentions are right ontop of us(within inches) in conguencey with the dimentions contour with eachother and how far(or near) each dimention is from you. This means the universe looks like a kalidascope to us... but those galaxies are actually right ontop of us... within ²cm and the different dimentions lands lye in different galaxies.. so when we look at a different galaxy, we look at our own, but with a different chemical makeup. So life in those dimentions, or galaxies, could be just like us, or .000,000,001 different in every possible way, or any other way. Some of you might be a lil skinnier.. some might be fatter... it is a strange thing.. the leftways rightways movement we experience(?²)
It looks all scattered to us but to a being who has extra century perception and hyperx²inteligence it looks differently easier to picture depending on thier own perception. Bcause to us it looks like a kalidescope to us, and thats because our own perception is lined up with Mother Earth 🌎 and as is an Ålien's perception tailord to thier home planet based on thier evolutionary planetary perception.
The truth is if we were to picture it the galaxies are stacked up ontop of eachother with the super massive black homle as the center. As for black holes, those are life. All of it.. in another dimentional construct of Life. Though infinitlely destructive in the matter realm. But in a different realm and dimention, it is home to Life... Life that exist on earth, though in a different dimention, but some beings are pan dimentional, and can interact with us here, where they are. its a bit creepy but there is a Golden lineing..... ill get to that. The Life on this planet has been driven down, beaten down and us being human can only take sof much. These pan dimentional beings that exist on Ærth with us 🇺🇸 are able to, and always do, hypnotize the entire planet, sometimes all at once to get what they want... which is a destroyed dead deathđ planet, because they live in or are from a dimention that values nothing good and we arent like them. Åt åll! They have been here for tens of thousands of years, since the mayan days. And the one leading thse hords of dark spirits was worstful and terrible to this planet and all people as we evolved. This worstful bastard torchered and tormented my life in a million different ways unbeknowst to the U.S. Army and all people i know. He is known widely as the devil of this planet. To mention an example of the dark spirits hypnotism influence upon all human race, the holocaust, and the slaughter of the native americans. Though i endured 37 years of dimentional manipulation onto my lifes existence and mind altering manipulative torment, while the whole word has been and always(since the begining of the human race mind you) been hypnotized and litterally raised from the birth of human kind, in order to fuck with my Life!!! its so wierd to think about and haters are sceptics and i was saved by God from the worstful nessnessnotnotnot that ruined my life meanwhile leaving his footprint and fingerprint on the world and all its Life for my Life to identify with.. and just me...(it is theeeee most beautiful thing i know of to date, especially as a gesture from God. God took me from a dark lonely place we, as a planet, wouldnt have survived... and saved us all and Loved me HARDĎĐ. People, you would not believe the gift God gave to me. it is too much beauty to describe👌BCzMusiq
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