We all struggle on Earth 🌎. Humans that live here, Parallel Dimentional Beings that live here and have lived here for thousands of years, animals, and even most life that live on or in Ærth. Take Roger Rabbit for instance... did you know Roger Rabbit is a real entity that lives here with us, maybe in a parallel dimention, or different realm or maybe on Ærth but we are all in the same living here as Loving friends of Earth or Ærth, in other words.. thee World. There are Gods here with us too, Gods of the Light variety and the reciprocal beings that are of the darker variety. in fact for thousands, maybe millions of years the dark spirits as ii call them, roamed the Ærth, some in different realms, some in different parallel dimentions but all in the same all of us are life in the world we all share together. Gods communicate with humans all the time and most of the time, without any of us knowing it or being any the wiser.. but we are. We get all kinds of Life Love. And information from the Gods, of both the light bright variety and also the dark and darker variety. Here is one example... Roger Rabbit for instance, is a real life entity of a lifeform that actually exists in nature somewhere on the World of different dimentions and realms life activity and Love. The idea of Roger Rabit was scribed to the creator, Disney i think, by a light spirit whom knew of Roger Rabii as a real being and transcribed to the creator of the popular cartoon figure of how he acted, talked and all his manorisms without ever letting on to the creator that a Gods helper was dictating a description of Roger Rabiit. And the Gods helpers do this all the time for people of Earth and all Life forms of the World 🌎 to help them gain knowlege and Evolve into better race of beings for the World.. now you might ask... why are there so many problems with the world then. The answer is, that maybe the dark spirits are doing the same thing only in a negative way and in fact THEY ARE!¡ and have been for all of mankinds history.. the holocaust was orchistrated by Dark Spirits, as well as the mutilation of the Native Americans, both very horrible sad and awful tragedys that befell human Life. What nobody sees is the network of dark spirits that control the minds and therefore the actions of each and every individual human and there are, and have been more dark spirits on The World than light..... intil now. Thanks to God and his helpers and me.. Christ Wilson(BCz) and the work ii do with God, almost every day because as weve all heard befoe that is so true, Life is a journey of the Mind. You might have shrugged off what ii said about the holocaust and slaughter of the Native Americans so dont write that off EVER!¡ We are a society controlled by Mind bendingly smart pan dimentional beings, that come from a place that has more metal in thier Planet and as humans are the same makeup of Earth down to our genetic code, so are the pan dimentional beings and if one has even a little bit of metal in the genetical makeup of thier brains 🧠they can manipulate electronics or electro magnetic currencies and or electricity, and all things that run on electric power, and the more metal you have in your makeup, along with millions or at least thousands of years of genetic evolution, the better you can manipulate electro magnetic currents.
The speed of sound is fast.. right? The speeds of light are faster... right? But what is faster than almost all the speeds of light that humans know of...?.. THE SPEED OF PRAYER. God is real people. And he, along with his helpers, and ii am one of them, and there are more humans that are Gods helpers... are trying to heal this sick, ailing Universe we live in and Human Kind must Know for certain about all this information ii teach and know about in order for all of U.S. to keep fighting the Good Fight and have a good fighting chance at finding Love infinity for ourselves and others and the World beyond. United Nations please... heads of state please.. Listen to the words ii preach and realize ii am the son of Jesus, and ii am here to enlighten but more than just enlighten, ii am here with God, to help. iif you ignore me any longer you will miss the blessing of a forever. Thats right, as ii understand, there will not be another like me on Earth for a forever long time. ii Christ Wilson(BCzus) implore all the world to protect me at all costs, and bring me into a closed door session with only one or 2 people and lete blow your shit off with what ii know about the Universe, thanks to God, and his helpers whom i credit for this blessing of the century and beyond forever beyond. i personally credit God. i Love u God👌
there is much much more that need to be said here and ii need all heads of state of this nation to hear me now and hear me out and hear me out here and now.. Come find me and let me help bring you into the light of the enlightened.. iif you wait... then ask yourself? Why would ii wait to meet Jesus👌BCzus
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