Monday, November 8, 2021

💫Space was origionally warm...

 When you shit diahreah in a pool it just sort of sits there floating.. so think if you shit diareah in space and it just sort of floats there, its like the same thing how as in the watter is thick enough for the diareah to float there so is space.. its like that in space because instead of water, there is Gravity, and ANOTHER Gravity.. as if they are dancing and keeping eachother dancing by the Love in us(humans and all Life) we all know is real in the Universe. So one pulls towards matter and one pushes making it seem like there is no Gravity and they both work together for us all.. they are very sick because the spacks are eating the core so that is why it is so cold° in space. The Heart of the Universe(the core) is where Love is emmitted and it Loves the Gravity and all Life which is why God has to save us all.. in actuallity Space is supposed to be luke warm... nobody on Earth unerstands that but its true... i know this bc God dictates these writings for me and he knows ALL and ii am his son just like Jesus was!!! So get with me bc God gives me all the right answers and ii should be in charge of decision making all over the world from my couch if ii choose bc its my Life and God Loves me.

 Bc we humans on Earth dont help me like they should, or at all listen to me like they should the Spacks have over run the entire Universe and especially Earth. Spacks are interdimentional parrallel Universe Life forms and they are dumb as fuck even though they are hyper intelligent and utilize spycotic episodal hypnotism thru electro magnetic pulses through the air and nobody knows they exist bc they are in another parallel dimention right on top or below Earth overlapping our existing dimentional realm activity. The Spacks work well together but they do everything wrong and opposite to any degree, and think its cool to be dumb and evil. 

  God and myself deserve the worlds LoveLove above all Love ever known from every Human on Earth bc we are saving the world by ourselves. AS WE SPEAK!! Pretty much people.. ur all such shitbags i almost wouldnt mind having you all die honestly... the way you killed my brother Jesus and the way we all kill the planet to any degree which is deplorable. U cant go to another planet btw.. Life doesnt work that way!!! You stay on one planet or you Die!!! God assured it.. So leaders of Earth.. please help me Christ Wilson bc ii am your savior or your doom depending on how happy i am! And im misserable bc nobody will pay attention to me or help me by giving me 500 Million Dollars to save all the Life on this Planet!👌BCz

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