Monday, November 15, 2021

The World and how it Ends or restarts without the retardspacks👌BCz

 The world is a far off place, far farthier than any other place that makes us all wither and wilt. But there is a silver lining, better yet a golden lining. You know what a golden lining is dont you? A golden lining is like a silver lining where in when something bad happens there is a silver lining of good that comes of it. A golden lining is like when something terrible happens and something really good comes from it. Thus is the universe. A golden lined studd. This message brought to you by BC Becauses, because we want you to succeed. As foreign a topic as it may sound.. the extra centurie perceptionists who rule the Galaxy and beyond, want you... to successorize your surroundings. That is why they found me, and a whole host of other reasons why ii was chosen for tthee love from above... which i might add is LoveLovely, from my standpoint anyways. Sure its terrifying too, but such is life. So far...👌BCeezie

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