My name is Christ Wilson and im a hybrid. The world doesnt really know what a hybrid is.. let me explain. Most people think im schizophrenic, my family, my doctor, and some of my friends. Thats because at a young age thats what some doctors diagnosed me with. But the truth is im not schizophrenic, i am a new evolution of human kind called a hybrid. Being a hybrid means i can comunicate and interact with the world of different realms, other parallel univerxies and all the life in those realms and parallel universes.. but only God willing. You see to be a hybrid, which not all of us can be, you must have help from a higher power, God. Jesus was a hybrid and i believe the prophets were hybrid and i believe there are many hybrids in this world, often mistaken for schizophrenic because what the government and modern scientists dont know is.. the voices me and others like me hear are actual lifeforms in or on another plane of existence that is parallel to ours, hence the term Parallælien. Now some of these life forms are from this planet but one thing is for sure.. the parallæiens i know are beyond intelligent, as are the Gods that roam the worlds 🌎 of earth in all dimentions. So intelligent in fact, that the Gods themselves have difficulty keeping up with the parallel univerxies lifeforms whom are lightyears ahead of us on the evolutionary scale. You might wonder.. if they are so intelligent, and if they exist here with us and have for thousands, maybe even millions of years, why dont we all know it. The fact is, they might live by a different credo so to speak, or way of life than our own that doesnt really coincide with ours so it might be for the best, as some of them want death and destruction of all and others just plain dont want to be a productive part of our way of life for whatever reason, the choice is thiers because we cannot even begin to comprehend thier supperior intilect and we definitely cant do all that they can do, im talking about nurologic hypnosis, the ability to slip into and out of different realms and category levels of lifes existence. So that goes for the parallæliens and if they wanted to be known about, you or all would know. Trust me.
The same goes for those lifeforms in the God realms or often known as the Gods. The Gods or The God is what gives me the ability to learn from them about this stuff and if we all want this beautiful gift from God, as i have been blessed with, then we all MUST begin to live RIGHT. You see, God speaks thru me, something like hypnosis only im as fully aware as i ever am while this is happening.. even now, i dont even have to think of my next words to type, bc Gods helpers are typing thru me at this very moment. i have been blessed with a gift that i believe is so unfounded on Earth 🌎 or in life as we know it that i believe the last most significant person in history to be gifted with such a monumental gift from above.. was Jesus. The Gods and other ones of the realm of Gods known as God's helpers, took me on a journey thru life, very few have lived, and learned about, to tell about. 🙏 i promise, and i try my darndest not to lie ever, so you can count on my honesty when i say this... the Gods are upon us now as they have been in the past, but now they are in full attendence in numbers here on Earth for all of us, partly due to my journey they took me on and all i did with what i learned on that journey and more. I am here to tell you that God is and always will have us and YES, i know for a fact of thee Universe, the Universii, and the Universi, that God is Real. The question is will we as a species take the neccisarry steps to welcome God to our world, as there are many requirements such as how to live right and apply it to every day life. This means no war, nor pestilence, nor hatred among eachother. That is just the tip of the iceburg of rules or requirements we must follow, to be gifted with all God has to offer, including tue answer to everlasting life, not to mention all the knowlege of technology of the stars and beyond for us to use at our disposal, but we have to live right according to God, and not just God but the idea of God, which ive explained in some of my videos on Facebook.com/bceezie which is my personal Facebook platform and i will extensively write about my experiences with God, the Realm people, Parallæliens, and other lifeforms that exist in the world, the cosmos, and beyond. i have been to different parallel universes, and stepped into different realm existences, and told the world about my travels but... they all think im Crazy because im the only one who has experienced such a wide veriety of what the world has to offer us in the Realm stages and beyond. i suggest the U.S. army, and all factions of the Government of the United States look very closely at my work and writings, as it could be what saves us all. Saves us all from impending warfare, hate, loveloss, and hatred amongst eachother. Not to mention all the algorithms to life i have learned and will hopefully get around to providing on the internet on my web page BCeezieUnivercity.blogspot.com and my facebook and instagram. As these accounts on my pages are my lifes story as best as i could tale. Some stories and posts had to be edited out due to the extreme nature of the otherworldly journey i went on and was able to explain, but only because nobody believes me that i am in fact a hybrid of God. The sooner people learn this truth about me and my relation between God and other parallel Universes and Realms, the sooner we will all benefit from the best God and his helpers have to offer us. i am thier spokesperson, simply bc i was chosen by them. One of the main reasons i was chosen and not somebody with a massive platform to speak on thier behalf, is because the U.S. Government whom all would benefit tremendously from my knowlage i have to offer them, and the world over, about Realm activity on Earth 🌎 and Parallæliens, and The Gods themselves, must learn to help the little guy out before anything, as we are all in this together. i am that little guy and the world must know my name before we continue our trek to becoming a great civilization that the world can be proud of, and also so the Unified Conglomerate of Univercities also known as.. the Galaxy of Life or just the life that exists in the milky way Galaxy and thier planets can be proud of us too. So.. heads of state, scientists who want to know about the Universe and all the facts we dont already know about the technology and time travel stipulations and more and more and way more... come find me. The Gods are waiting for you to. And if you dont believe me about all of this... then all is lost for our generations, our kids generations, and possibly God will not return for another 2000 years as he has now, for me and the Wonderful World of Wonders that is the Ærth as we know it. im given privi to all information you could ever want to know about what we do not already know.. so come find me.. the little guy in societies equasion of the latter of life. My name is Christ Wilson aka. BC👌LoveLove(which is my religion and losely thee religion of all the Gods in a nutshel and if we are any good for this world, will be the religion we all adopt to be the best for all of us and beyond)So get with me, like me, and Love ❤❤ Love with all your heart and being and say with me.. "we are all in this together, now lets help the little guy out".