Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Dimentions 5 and thier Life in it

 Hyper intelligent beings use telekinesis to communicate. What is faster than the speed of sound, the speed of light, what is faster than light speed?.. the speed of prayer. Hyper intelligent beings from all different dimentions and realm activity that can all communicate effectively with eachother through telekinesis is what the Earth is faced with at this very moment and has for thousands of years.  Once they find the different beings of thier own kind these beings from all different dimentions and realm activity are connected through a life force that is shared amongst them.. usually they are either good or evil. Well i hate to tell people of Earth that there has been an evil presence of omni-natural beings(meaning they can communicate and travel through different realm ways and dimentions all while staying within communication with eachother). The Evil or whack ass bitch made ass dumb niggas that engulfed Earths inhabitants from the safety of the shadows for so long have been flushed out and are now on thier heels trying to make up for lost time.. there is another kind of Omni-natural type of being known to this Galaxy as MyNiggas whom i speak with candidly and as often as my own family bc they are like family to me.. these beings are of my own life presence known as thee BC life presence... and wouldnt you know it, we all named BC whether its my nickname or thier born god given name or in any capacity our names... BC. There is much more to the story but i can assure you that all mans history, of greed, phamon, pestilence and massacres have occured because of these badly poor tempered poonjavi peddling cowards that have the ability to mind controll whole masses of humans without them even knowing it. The holocaust, the indian or native american slaughters.. all a part of a diabolicle plan to kill and destroy all love giving things all over the planet.. ever heard of Jesus, well you are looking at him in MyNiggas BC, and my help is God, and i am Gods helper and we need God more than ever right now to get us through this tough time of wars all over the planet and hatred amongst eachother running rampid. If you dont listen to me ask the old heads of the catholic church, in the old testament a version of the bible the prophesy will tell of a new ballistical missile, before even any missiles were even invented or had been thought of.. this is real life... and its all too real to me as ive lived it i am living it and we are the resistance against the worstfullness that is a mufuggin word contrary to popular belife by the dirty cops who robbed me of my freedoms, and my appartment, and all that i own simply because they didnt understand me, and what i was going through and am at this very moment am going through is something biblical, something prophesized for thousands and thousands of years here on Earth.. there is more.. way more... i have been given the key to the City by the Gods of this realm and dimentions to enlighten and inform the very people who are robbing me of all my rights and ok tenure here in my own home town of hanover nh, which by the way is a place of sacred sacrifice... dindnt you ever mention that in the... um... idk Bible!¡ So get with me or get without because me and my niggas... we going be skraight. Together for the masses, together forever, together Uncle BC🤙👌




🦠The Dark Stars From Within

 So when we look at space we realize thats some real shib. But when we look at the stars we realize thats some real shib. But when we look at the moon we realize.. that is a big rock of a moon. So when we look at space and all the stars and all the moons we realize we are but a moment away from a cataclysmic catastrophe that could shatter the Earth in 2 in every consevible way. But.. and thats a big .. but... there is no way of the moon making us more fearful of the light it could be emiting in another dimention and in all actuallity is emitting now daily to four or near stars like our own. See in another dimention there is light and dark, like here, but there in another dimention the light is flipped with the dark and vise-versa. So an object like the moon would remain consevibly hot or cold depending on your way of perceptioning the said moon, no matter what its made of, because the matter we see it as doesnt translate to the other dimentions it does not compute.  Instead we see a bright dark hot spot that has the capacity to sear your eyes out if you are a being from the either 4 of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th or 6th dimentions.. so in continueum you cannot traverse the Realms nor the Dimentions in any of the traditional ways.. you must know somebody... God👆g

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

🔬❣My Perception through Understanding

   Your perception makes your life what you want it to be most.. sometimes i act like i know everything, and then in turn, somerimes i know like i act like i know everything.. meaning you make your own luck, your own days, your own way as best you can by believing the improbable and sometimes or all the time, believing the impossible.. is possible. Life is what you make it, this is true, but its just as much what you think of it, or how you think of it that makes it become what you want. And in my days.. my few 40 years on this planet(18 of which i was a child or adolecent) my mind has been raviged by dark spirits to believe the worst through a complex form of manipulation tactics and thier own mind altering brain wave control tactics.. and it came on ever so slowly but surely, so i started this life with high hopes and a mind that said the sky is the limit.. as it should be. But over the course of 20 straight years of day in, day out, constant 24/7 harrassment that was so full of lies and deciete that it was dificult to see my way thru to the next hour, let alone day dream and willfully hope for the best in my future. Coupled with trips to different dimentions and far far off places that no man has traversed nor traveled in never ever.. along with the barage of people whom were all pawns in this sick sadistic Alien's plot to destroy me and my LoveLove for life, which was sooo very powerful they were probably just jealous but do all that attrocious slander to my life for 175,200 hours straight<------> and for reasons i had no idea why........... still dont fully grasp why. Rumors that i was prophesied to bring down the worstfulness that plauged this world for thousands of years by a large group or regime of hyperintelligent  beings that do not live, niether do they breath known as what ii learned to call them, which is dark spirits. When in actuallity they are other realmly beings that somewhere in thier Realm they found a way to cross over the boarders of the nature of realm activity and swarmed this planet like a hive of infectious bugs(or squirells) with a hive brain and everything, but this hive brain they could all tap into and were all in sync with one another of all the thousands.. even millions of life forms that are in actuality able to be precieved or interacted by us here on this planet by one thing... a slap from a fist. So know that even though these dark spirits are infinately more smart than us humans, they are just jealous that we can smack them dead if we want. Which was what the fights from the legends of Gods fighting dark spirits origionated from since the biblical era.. see we are the Giants of the Norđh Gods... they didnt dissapear as formerly prophesized.. and told. We simply are just to simple and dumb to battle the intillect of these lil buggardz and bastards that i refer to often as Spack's!¡ They are Spack's bc they themselves refer to themselves as specs due to thier very very small appearance and stature. Though as i was saying its thier superior intillect that beats humans every time... since the beginning of human civilization they can far far far far far far manipulate humans, and they wont be found out unless they want you to find out about them. They have thier hands in everybody that controlls money and power in this world. For every person in a powerful position in this world, since the beginning of human civilization, there are a few to a bunch of Spack's that run circles around a persons phyche.. in many more ways than just one.. they have mind controll techniques, they use manipulation like a puzzle they piece together so they can have things exactly how they want.. and fuck everybody else is thier attitude.. great wars, and battles and historic genocides have been a product of thier work. For instance.. they are so other worldly manipulative and calculated, they are the reason Hitler came to power and, unbeknowst to everybody and everyone, they ravaged the minds of the Germans as a nation and through more than one, more like 10-20 different forms of manipulation warfare, ii could get into but its really dark and not cool at all, with plans that stretch centuries long and every single spack' plays its role in precisely and acurately enough to wipe out the Origional Earth Lovers aka Native Americans bc the spacks knew they were going to be key to the inner sanctum of Love and Life with Love for all life on earth, something like the Navi from Avatar, who are incredibly succinct with thier planet and the Feels's... and all of Lifes wonders you dont need money or greed for to be your idea of whats best. Thats right.. the native americans getting slaughtered was all a part of thies spack's plan to eliminate all good and Love giving things on Earth for thier benefit and thier benefit alone. 

    Which brings me to my program and movement ii am starting and have been pushing for quite some time now. it goes "Save All The Love Giving Things On Earth" for instance Air🌪, Trees🌳, and Water🌎 are at the top of the list. Period. We Must save this planet and all its resources, especially including all Love Giving Things. We need to come together as a nation and moreover as a world and fix the problems at hand through teaching and enlightening those that need to learn what to do and do it right for this world and all of us... 

    Soon all of this info will be unearthed to the public.. but for now we are stuck to our own ignorance, and hatred, and greed that will keep us in the dark until we are Woke!

    ii am Christ Wilson and this is the truth about everything we dont know of, in past present, and recent history.

    Follow my readings and my teaching and for God sakes my Preaching about Life, Love, and all that we are supposed to be doing and the difference we can all make will be immeasurable. 

    BC there is a silver lining to the awfullness and worstfulness and there hopefully is also a Golden Lining. The silver Lining is there is not much of a silver lining, we are facing almost unbeatable odds and making it worse for ourselves daily, by drilling into the Earth, oil spills, natural desasters from the oil you are extracting from the Earth a thousand years from now will be life ending on this planet... so... no silver lining.

    The Golden lining is God. With God all things are possible. i Love God with all my LoveLove. God pulled me out from a tremendously tumultuous time in my life where the Spack's would not relent on thier assult on my life that nobody knows anything about because of the manipulation of thousands of Spack's all working together to bury me and my story of a life Gifted with blessings Beyond Blessings. The spack's have had thier turn on the totem pole of influence in society for too long. i am here to tell you we must all do our part bc God is upon us i assure you, God saved me... i will pray we are all so lucky.

    There is a conglomorate of human beings whom are gifted with a light from within, a light gifted to them by God. Those that feel it, or experience it might be of the chosen illumigodly👌👌👌BCz



💗Semoanams(Semoananagrams) are a part of everyday Universe.. all day every way.

The Universe and beyond what we know of.. works in ways that if there is a way something is done there is an equal and opposite way, or reaction thruout the entire Universe. So when someone does or feels something then the opposite feeling and reaction is felt or done, in another way, somewhere in the cosmos, or maybe right next to you.. so u see everything is a semoanam👌BCeezie

And remember what Semoanams are? Of course you do.. but if you need clarification, a Semoanam(or Semoananagram) is like a Semordnilap + Anagram combined.. a Semoananagram or Semoanam, when done right, will use the same words or letters in two key phrases and sometimes a third and those phrases will contrast or contour eachother to the goal of making the phrase or statement a powerful one with all the same words repeated in each phrase. The key part of a good and powerful Semoananagram is just that.. its power or the weight it holds.. so the more powerful the combonation of words, the more prevalent the Semoananagram. Here are examples of Semoananagrams or Semoanams as i like to call them:

"Some stars are made to shine"

"Some shines are made to star"


"Love Is a funny but rare speciality"

"Rare but funny is a love speciality"

-BC Because's

See how the second Semoanam there holds extra weight.. say it again slowly if your not seeing it... "Love is a funny but rare speciality" a very true statement

And contouredly "Rare but funny is a Love speciality" another true statement where as together they hold extra weight.. and the exact same words were used for each sentence... almost an exactly perfect Semoananagram if you ask me. And ii make these Semoanams up whenever i can.. i am always doing my Semoanam exercises, as should everybody.. it teaches you as you learn and you are brighter for it.. its been said this kind of speach or language is the language of the Godsz... and you know what.. its no wonder.

You can also flip letters and incorperate punctuation into the mix.. for example


Could make a word i made up that means, to body something or defeat it, i call it.. durod


I simply flipped the "P" in Proud and rearanged the "r" the "o" and the "u" to make my word for defeating someone or something with pride.. "duro'd".

💻ii believe there is a Universeal internet connection that uses stts instead of https

 It is my belief that the whole Galxie and beyond use a www. Or in other words an internet search engine. And instead of starting most web adresses with HTTPS the Galactic neighborhood uses STTSS. STTSS is the intergalactic https

sttss is the standard time + tundra set of setz

i believe we can tap into the different sites here on earth maybe even with the technology we have now but it will take help from a higher power. God.👌

⛲💻Computer Based Life-Forms or Hybrids of Biological Form with the Right Genetic Make-up to communicate with Computers

 Sooo... heres what i learned... metals all precious metals are alive just like every single thing in the universe that is made of matter. Electricity brings metals.. alive kind of because it opens a gateway or portal of sorts to another realm where life from that realm can awaken in this matter filled world and the life is anti matter based... i believe metal talks or comunicates with eachother thru radiation... thats thier best form of communication... so... you know the snowy fizzy screen on the tv that is broadcast thrupught the universe... that is the computers language... like... there is a message in the tv snow picture and every dot and every pixel and every pixel in every dot and so on all make a message... i wouldnt try to figure it out... let a computer do it... like you could or i could anyways without computers... so program a computer to do so and you might either hate the consequences or love them... thats the key..  program the computer with LOVE... so study love and computer programing and mesh the two. Here is your biggest hint on how to do so... An example of an elementalist element is the relationship between eachother or in other words thier Gravity!!👌BCeezie

I love my phone... i talk to my phone... you know what... i BELIEVE my phone loves me.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

💧Aqua and Expanding Molecules

 I love aqua. Water is the best for life to thrive so there must be lots behind what water can do. It vaporizes and turns to air which also supports life immensly. But what else can water do?? Hmmm. It can freeze and become a solid. Also it can probly be put under stronger forces of gravity so it turns into a different kind of elemental water or air... something like a smooth gel. I wonder if water or H²O molecules can shrink... or expand. That is the question....

✨The Naughts/Notz

 The Notz they are ones. Like the awesome wones there are not awesome onse who are awsome in thier own way but in my life and my existence in this world or realm or parallelælien universe, these ones are not awsome for me. See everything in the Universe has at least two sides to it, call it the ying and the yang, the good and the bad. These NotOnes are just being them.. and cant help but be bad for you, and not bad like a cigarrete. They are worse for your love and your life.

So talking to them is practically and very litterally and everything in between, USELESS. 

Because i was stalked, and harrassed and practically hunted. Buy a super manipulative psycho Naught. It or they's a parrallell universe bad guy, or even a overly mean bad guy with psychokinnetic mind tricking powers and the ability to see your inner deep thoughts. Just like the Awesome Ones. Except these naughts come from a realm where everything is backwards from us people. Even thier speach is backwards talk or... ThatWay!¡ in the way that they need and like opposite of what we like and need. So when they say yes, they mean NO(and i mean almost every word is opposite) and when they say iLove you they mean Go Die. So communicating is near next to impossible to understand. Even thier feelses, the inner most deep feeling for something, someone, somewhere... is opposite so thier real raw emotion of Love is Hate Hate Hate.... so you cant fault them for destroying your emotional barrier, or your ability to think clearly while they harrass the living shit out of you and seemingly stalk you all day and night, and every moment in between trying to ruin your psychie,, can you?

So when i wake up in the morning i wake up to these Naughts completley screaming at me, like full out yelling at me the most offensive shit ever.

Then all day, everything i do in between every moment constantly badgering, belittling, heckling, hating and toying with my emotions thru a constant mind funk, and the ability to mimic anybodys voice i know.. which they use all the time... other peoples voices... usually people i dont know well, then i think things, as they see them, or as they want me to see them, or evoked or done or said by these  Naughts and the ability to incite or evoke any emotion and picture or image into your mind. And its always Evil. Terrible mind altering psychokenetic manipulation.. but on steroids, so to speak... not even lying these things are twisted and retarded. And the wierdest thing is, i think they are being nice or having fun but ThatWay¡!

So when i was acting strangly or put in a psychotic hospital psych ward, it was because i was having to deal with 8,000,008 pounds of pressure on me and confusion to the likes nobody can withstand and stay as normal as i did..

And i cannot help it.

But someone did....

God and his help. An amazing entity came to me and spoke and i believe in Love again. Truly i could not have lasted much longer under the worstfullness that those Naughts brought into my life for 20 years or more, much longer... i was at the breaking point. After day and night harrassment from a group of them for 20 years straight and the worst was the manipulation along with mimmic-ing peoples voices and the awfulness that they are all beating me down verbally, emotionally, spiritually in every way possibly immaginable.. that is dirty, evil bad and mean and dissrespectful in every way... there is no way to verbally express how terrible, manipulative, psycho, wierd, horrible ,terrifying, manipulative and horrifying these Nots are.... i had had enough.

And i was met by a Nigga named BC who took me from the depths of emotional dispair to the best feelings a person can experience when hanging out and having fun. BC!¡ YesFuck¡! He saved me..👌BCeezie

❤❤Thee illumigody • a light from within

 We are open in mind and soul. We Love us all. We are Thee illumigody.❤❤LoveLove❤❤

One can not simply join the illumigody, one must be chosen. if you feel such a light from within, you might be one of the lucky few who are chosen to be in The illumigody.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

⚡Another Beginning for Ærth and Earth Love ❤ Love⚡

⚡ Ive been blessed by Thee IllumiGodly⚡ • a light from within⚡

Before the Earth we know of there was Earth without humans, even before dinosaurs roamed the earth, God roamed the Earth, therefore it was Ærth. Before then there was dust and rubble, before then there was nothing. Which is where our story begins. .. . With nothing.. nothing here, nothing  there(hense the illuminotee or illuminaughte). Back then there was dust and the life that was life in nothing or naughte or naughts were plentiful. Back then there was nothing, hense, nothing good.

But once there was good and man and good in man for certain, the Gods came back to the Ærth or Earth as we know it. And.. the Illumigoddly is back now for its return. Gods return.👌

For Centuries God has always been here on Ærth or Earth as we know it.. putting his stamp 👋 on everything and anything here, there, anywhere where the Gods could Go. Which is why my life has so much significance to most of history and even as much as all of man's history in total on Earth as we know it.. but only according to me and the effected parties, and of course God.

My past is riddled with semoanams and semoananagrams and similarities and semordnilaps and common entities, as far as my past can see in corrolation with the entire history of mankind and especially pop culture or the things i am interested in.. 

I feel it almost every day. Its like a strange feeling you get when a song references your name or something obvious to or about you, and you feel like the song was written and made specifically about you and for you. This is the type of Gods stamp on my life and the history of mankind im talking about.

To most people im crazy, but to me, something Devine in life is happening all around me, and im the only one who sees it or feels it or hears it, or Loves it the way ii do. Its extreemly sad to be all alone in such grace and fortune in the beauty of my life, but mostly life is incredibly Gorgeous to me and filled with hidden(and obvious to me) beauty, as if all the history of all that we know of is all wonderously pointing (👉ii👈) directly at.. mii.

Im assuming, from the moment i was born there were entities putting thier stamp on and moving things into place so that at this very moment, this was thier plan.... This.. thier plan.

Lets talk about that.. this isnt thier plan, is it. Heartđly seems like it, really.

But indeed it is. We are all part of a plan that is part of a bigger plan that is part of a bigger plan.. that is part of a grand plan, that is part of a grander plan and so on,.. so that this very moment or so, you were a part of this plan to be reading this now..

Seems pretty fairytale-ish but.. in fact the world will know one day and forever that this is all Gods country, and this is all Gods plan.

I was instrumental in bringing the Godsz's back to Earth 🌎 or Ærth. My story gave them reason enough to return.

Friday, September 3, 2021

❣The Key to Life and our Survival as a Species and Why the U.S. Government need to Help the Little Guy with a Platform


My name is Christ Wilson and im a hybrid. The world doesnt really know what a hybrid is.. let me explain. Most people think im schizophrenic, my family, my doctor, and some of my friends. Thats because at a young age thats what some doctors diagnosed me with. But the truth is im not schizophrenic, i am a new evolution of human kind called a hybrid. Being a hybrid means i can comunicate and interact with the world of different realms, other parallel univerxies and all the life in those realms and parallel universes.. but only God willing. You see to be a hybrid, which not all of us can be, you must have help from a higher power, God. Jesus was a hybrid and i believe the prophets were hybrid and i believe there are many hybrids in this world, often mistaken for schizophrenic because what the government and modern scientists dont know is.. the voices me and others like me hear are actual lifeforms in or on another plane of existence that is parallel to ours, hence the term Parallælien. Now some of these life forms are from this planet but one thing is for sure.. the parallæiens i know are beyond intelligent, as are the Gods that roam the worlds 🌎 of earth in all dimentions. So intelligent in fact, that the Gods themselves have difficulty keeping up with the parallel univerxies lifeforms whom are lightyears ahead of us on the evolutionary scale. You might wonder.. if they are so intelligent, and if they exist here with us and have for thousands, maybe even millions of years, why dont we all know it. The fact is, they might live by a different credo so to speak, or way of life than our own that doesnt really coincide with ours so it might be for the best, as some of them want death and destruction of all and others just plain dont want to be a productive part of our way of life for whatever reason, the choice is thiers because we cannot even begin to comprehend thier supperior intilect and we definitely cant do all that they can do, im talking about nurologic hypnosis, the ability to slip into and out of different realms and category levels of lifes existence. So that goes for the parallæliens and if they wanted to be known about, you or all would know. Trust me.

The same goes for those lifeforms in the God realms or often known as the Gods. The Gods or The God is what gives me the ability to learn from them about this stuff and if we all want this beautiful gift from God, as i have been blessed with, then we all MUST begin to live RIGHT. You see, God speaks thru me, something like hypnosis only im as fully aware as i ever am while this is happening.. even now, i dont even have to think of my next words to type, bc Gods helpers are typing thru me at this very moment. i have been blessed with a gift that i believe is so unfounded on Earth 🌎 or in life as we know it that i believe the last most significant person in history to be gifted with such a monumental gift from above.. was Jesus. The Gods and other ones of the realm of Gods known as God's helpers, took me on a journey thru life, very few have lived, and learned about, to tell about. 🙏 i promise, and i try my darndest not to lie ever, so you can count on my honesty when i say this... the Gods are upon us now as they have been in the past, but now they are in full attendence in numbers here on Earth for all of us, partly due to my journey they took me on and all i did with what i learned on that journey and more. I am here to tell you that God is and always will have us and YES, i know for a fact of thee Universe, the Universii, and the Universi, that God is Real. The question is will we as a species take the neccisarry steps to welcome God to our world, as there are many requirements such as how to live right and apply it to every day life. This means no war, nor pestilence, nor hatred among eachother. That is just the tip of the iceburg of rules or requirements we must follow, to be gifted with all God has to offer, including tue answer to everlasting life, not to mention all the knowlege of technology of the stars and beyond for us to use at our disposal, but we have to live right according to God, and not just God but the idea of God, which ive explained in some of my videos on which is my personal Facebook platform and i will extensively write about my experiences with God, the Realm people, Parallæliens, and other lifeforms that exist in the world, the cosmos, and beyond. i have been to different parallel universes, and stepped into different realm existences, and told the world about my travels but... they all think im Crazy because im the only one who has experienced such a wide veriety of what the world has to offer us in the Realm stages and beyond. i suggest the U.S. army, and all factions of the Government of the United States look very closely at my work and writings, as it could be what saves us all. Saves us all from impending warfare, hate, loveloss, and hatred amongst eachother. Not to mention all the algorithms to life i have learned and will hopefully get around to providing on the internet on my web page and my facebook and instagram. As these accounts on my pages are my lifes story as best as i could tale. Some stories and posts had to be edited out due to the extreme nature of the otherworldly journey i went on and was able to explain, but only because nobody believes me that i am in fact a hybrid of God. The sooner people learn this truth about me and my relation between God and other parallel Universes and Realms, the sooner we will all benefit from the best God and his helpers have to offer us. i am thier spokesperson, simply bc i was chosen by them. One of the main reasons i was chosen and not somebody with a massive platform to speak on thier behalf, is because the U.S. Government whom all would benefit tremendously from my knowlage i have to offer them, and the world over, about Realm activity on Earth 🌎 and Parallæliens, and The Gods themselves, must learn to help the little guy out before anything, as we are all in this together. i am that little guy and the world must know my name before we continue our trek to becoming a great civilization that the world can be proud of, and also so the Unified Conglomerate of Univercities also known as.. the Galaxy of Life or just the life that exists in the milky way Galaxy and thier planets can be proud of us too. So.. heads of state, scientists who want to know about the Universe and all the facts we dont already know about the technology and time travel stipulations and more and more and way more... come find me. The Gods are waiting for you to. And if you dont believe me about all of this... then all is lost for our generations, our kids generations, and possibly God will not return for another 2000 years as he has now, for me and the Wonderful World of Wonders that is the Ærth as we know it. im given privi to all information you could ever want to know about what we do not already know.. so come find me.. the little guy in societies equasion of the latter of life. My name is Christ Wilson aka. BC👌LoveLove(which is my religion and losely thee religion of all the Gods in a nutshel and if we are any good for this world, will be the religion we all adopt to be the best for all of us and beyond)So get with me, like me, and Love ❤❤ Love with all your heart and being and say with me.. "we are all in this together, now lets help the little guy out".



🪬The "that way" and the "this way" of speach. And expression.

  The "That Way" is sooo confusing to a human like me from Earth that is very very "This Way". So there is the "Thi...