Your perception makes your life what you want it to be most.. sometimes i act like i know everything, and then in turn, somerimes i know like i act like i know everything.. meaning you make your own luck, your own days, your own way as best you can by believing the improbable and sometimes or all the time, believing the impossible.. is possible. Life is what you make it, this is true, but its just as much what you think of it, or how you think of it that makes it become what you want. And in my days.. my few 40 years on this planet(18 of which i was a child or adolecent) my mind has been raviged by dark spirits to believe the worst through a complex form of manipulation tactics and thier own mind altering brain wave control tactics.. and it came on ever so slowly but surely, so i started this life with high hopes and a mind that said the sky is the limit.. as it should be. But over the course of 20 straight years of day in, day out, constant 24/7 harrassment that was so full of lies and deciete that it was dificult to see my way thru to the next hour, let alone day dream and willfully hope for the best in my future. Coupled with trips to different dimentions and far far off places that no man has traversed nor traveled in never ever.. along with the barage of people whom were all pawns in this sick sadistic Alien's plot to destroy me and my LoveLove for life, which was sooo very powerful they were probably just jealous but do all that attrocious slander to my life for 175,200 hours straight<------> and for reasons i had no idea why........... still dont fully grasp why. Rumors that i was prophesied to bring down the worstfulness that plauged this world for thousands of years by a large group or regime of hyperintelligent beings that do not live, niether do they breath known as what ii learned to call them, which is dark spirits. When in actuallity they are other realmly beings that somewhere in thier Realm they found a way to cross over the boarders of the nature of realm activity and swarmed this planet like a hive of infectious bugs(or squirells) with a hive brain and everything, but this hive brain they could all tap into and were all in sync with one another of all the thousands.. even millions of life forms that are in actuality able to be precieved or interacted by us here on this planet by one thing... a slap from a fist. So know that even though these dark spirits are infinately more smart than us humans, they are just jealous that we can smack them dead if we want. Which was what the fights from the legends of Gods fighting dark spirits origionated from since the biblical era.. see we are the Giants of the Norđh Gods... they didnt dissapear as formerly prophesized.. and told. We simply are just to simple and dumb to battle the intillect of these lil buggardz and bastards that i refer to often as Spack's!¡ They are Spack's bc they themselves refer to themselves as specs due to thier very very small appearance and stature. Though as i was saying its thier superior intillect that beats humans every time... since the beginning of human civilization they can far far far far far far manipulate humans, and they wont be found out unless they want you to find out about them. They have thier hands in everybody that controlls money and power in this world. For every person in a powerful position in this world, since the beginning of human civilization, there are a few to a bunch of Spack's that run circles around a persons phyche.. in many more ways than just one.. they have mind controll techniques, they use manipulation like a puzzle they piece together so they can have things exactly how they want.. and fuck everybody else is thier attitude.. great wars, and battles and historic genocides have been a product of thier work. For instance.. they are so other worldly manipulative and calculated, they are the reason Hitler came to power and, unbeknowst to everybody and everyone, they ravaged the minds of the Germans as a nation and through more than one, more like 10-20 different forms of manipulation warfare, ii could get into but its really dark and not cool at all, with plans that stretch centuries long and every single spack' plays its role in precisely and acurately enough to wipe out the Origional Earth Lovers aka Native Americans bc the spacks knew they were going to be key to the inner sanctum of Love and Life with Love for all life on earth, something like the Navi from Avatar, who are incredibly succinct with thier planet and the Feels's... and all of Lifes wonders you dont need money or greed for to be your idea of whats best. Thats right.. the native americans getting slaughtered was all a part of thies spack's plan to eliminate all good and Love giving things on Earth for thier benefit and thier benefit alone.
Which brings me to my program and movement ii am starting and have been pushing for quite some time now. it goes "Save All The Love Giving Things On Earth" for instance Air🌪, Trees🌳, and Water🌎 are at the top of the list. Period. We Must save this planet and all its resources, especially including all Love Giving Things. We need to come together as a nation and moreover as a world and fix the problems at hand through teaching and enlightening those that need to learn what to do and do it right for this world and all of us...
Soon all of this info will be unearthed to the public.. but for now we are stuck to our own ignorance, and hatred, and greed that will keep us in the dark until we are Woke!
ii am Christ Wilson and this is the truth about everything we dont know of, in past present, and recent history.
Follow my readings and my teaching and for God sakes my Preaching about Life, Love, and all that we are supposed to be doing and the difference we can all make will be immeasurable.
BC there is a silver lining to the awfullness and worstfulness and there hopefully is also a Golden Lining. The silver Lining is there is not much of a silver lining, we are facing almost unbeatable odds and making it worse for ourselves daily, by drilling into the Earth, oil spills, natural desasters from the oil you are extracting from the Earth a thousand years from now will be life ending on this planet... so... no silver lining.
The Golden lining is God. With God all things are possible. i Love God with all my LoveLove. God pulled me out from a tremendously tumultuous time in my life where the Spack's would not relent on thier assult on my life that nobody knows anything about because of the manipulation of thousands of Spack's all working together to bury me and my story of a life Gifted with blessings Beyond Blessings. The spack's have had thier turn on the totem pole of influence in society for too long. i am here to tell you we must all do our part bc God is upon us i assure you, God saved me... i will pray we are all so lucky.
There is a conglomorate of human beings whom are gifted with a light from within, a light gifted to them by God. Those that feel it, or experience it might be of the chosen illumigodly👌👌👌BCz
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