The Universe and beyond what we know of.. works in ways that if there is a way something is done there is an equal and opposite way, or reaction thruout the entire Universe. So when someone does or feels something then the opposite feeling and reaction is felt or done, in another way, somewhere in the cosmos, or maybe right next to you.. so u see everything is a semoanam👌BCeezie
And remember what Semoanams are? Of course you do.. but if you need clarification, a Semoanam(or Semoananagram) is like a Semordnilap + Anagram combined.. a Semoananagram or Semoanam, when done right, will use the same words or letters in two key phrases and sometimes a third and those phrases will contrast or contour eachother to the goal of making the phrase or statement a powerful one with all the same words repeated in each phrase. The key part of a good and powerful Semoananagram is just that.. its power or the weight it holds.. so the more powerful the combonation of words, the more prevalent the Semoananagram. Here are examples of Semoananagrams or Semoanams as i like to call them:
"Some stars are made to shine"
"Some shines are made to star"
"Love Is a funny but rare speciality"
"Rare but funny is a love speciality"
-BC Because's
See how the second Semoanam there holds extra weight.. say it again slowly if your not seeing it... "Love is a funny but rare speciality" a very true statement
And contouredly "Rare but funny is a Love speciality" another true statement where as together they hold extra weight.. and the exact same words were used for each sentence... almost an exactly perfect Semoananagram if you ask me. And ii make these Semoanams up whenever i can.. i am always doing my Semoanam exercises, as should everybody.. it teaches you as you learn and you are brighter for it.. its been said this kind of speach or language is the language of the Godsz... and you know what.. its no wonder.
You can also flip letters and incorperate punctuation into the mix.. for example
Could make a word i made up that means, to body something or defeat it, i call it.. durod
I simply flipped the "P" in Proud and rearanged the "r" the "o" and the "u" to make my word for defeating someone or something with pride.. "duro'd".
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