Saturday, August 3, 2024

🏛You gotta hear my story U.S. overnment

 I saw on tv the govmnt just built a museum for african american slaves. I got to thinking? Why dont they build a prodigal son museum? I mean, for thousands of years there was a prodigal son... since the first one ever recorded by man, AmenRa. And jesus the man being the most recently celebrated prodigal son.. The answer is, BECAUSE THE THRONE, AND EVERYTHING ELSE THEE PRODIGAL SON OWNED AND STOOD FOR, WAS Stolen! By the same people that stole the illuminate from the owner of the illuminate in that era... wayyy back

  Well, ii am thee prodigal son of this era and i demand the government aknowledge me and treat me as such... affording me such advantages as, maybe a museum, and or a controlling stake in the Government... or, especially a portion of the worlds riches in gold and precious jewels.all because i quite litterally have the word of God²³ guiding me at all times! Lets do this for the betterment of the world, if not for us then for our children and also for God². Because as it stands, if the prodigal son of God is ignored by rhe government's powers ar be ar power... then when comes time that the government needs God's².

   What i am asking is for acknowledgement at, to and for and about me from the government and more over, the world 🌎.  Because there is a lot here to be celebrated, and especially, studdied. Studdied by the brightest minds in the world because the prodigal son, the one that i am! Is the conduit to all of God² and God's³ godly information and facts about the world and the universe as a whole. The entire universe is big and there is still alot we don't know, and just to understand all of the wonders of the universe and all it"s facts, to try to utilize the most magikal of sciences, one(or many) must have a certain  level of evolutionary intelligence. And if we don't have it we can utilize the fact that God certainly already does. The God's have infinite knowledge, and already know everything that we have yet to discover. And if people even knew the cool and amazing things that humans can achieve and do by the combining of lighf energy with a God or many God's, we would already be on the miracle that comes with becoming a 2. Because a 2 is you and God³. God³ and you. I've whitnessed the potential of the magic that comes with the cool phenomina of a God or a Godly entitie and i've whitnessed a list of things...

   -a major boost in intelligence

   -a major boost in energy

   -a major boost in health

   - and almost anything you can think of(though it might take just a bit of time and practice to attain these gifts from God)

  The fact of the matter is, anything is possible with God. Anything you can think of and put your mind to and apply yourself to that you can think of.... anything at all. Try it. By praying and continuing to pray. It's more like making friends with God and keeping in contact with God and remaining in good standings with your best friend, God² and the Gods and Godly entities and especially remaining the good cemaritain  and good moral person that we can all be by doing the right thing, every day.

  So lets invite God back into the hierarchies and powers at be at power of this day and age again... i promise, you will never regret it.

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