Sunday, September 29, 2024

🖖The Æliens that raised the human race just came out of hiding

 Every so often i am dragged into a delusion of sorts by... well first i should start by explaining what happened to the Good God of Earth for all of humankind. About the time Jesus(the man) was brutally crucified and murdered by a bunch of humans whom were hypnotized and what is known as... brainwave manipulation by hypnotic transing of humans minds, by a horde of Pan-Æliens and Æliens that have infested the Earth since the dawn of mankind... so "the they" have been here for quite some time, "they" are the Æliens and Pan-Æliens that infest Earth and while the Pan-ÆLIENS are the invisible clouds of oil or gas that we see all around our world(if you have been trained to see the beyond as such and can now make out figures and vivid images of Pan-Ælien life forms all around us). These Pan-Æliens are basically the spirits of old ages, such as the spirits that helped raise us as a species on Earth since the massepetainia days and thru the greek mytholigy era and all the way to today. These "things" litterally taught us the english language, because the 4 major languages on Earth all over the world, English, Chinese, Arabic, and European(such as french, German.. ect...) are spoken throughout the galaxy, i'm told by my friends and colleagues that happen to be Parallæliens and Pan-Æliens that communicate with me because, i am Gods son and effectively God's conduit to the people of Earth and the people of Earth's conduit to God

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