Saturday, August 3, 2024

🏛You gotta hear my story U.S. overnment

 I saw on tv the govmnt just built a museum for african american slaves. I got to thinking? Why dont they build a prodigal son museum? I mean, for thousands of years there was a prodigal son... since the first one ever recorded by man, AmenRa. And jesus the man being the most recently celebrated prodigal son.. The answer is, BECAUSE THE THRONE, AND EVERYTHING ELSE THEE PRODIGAL SON OWNED AND STOOD FOR, WAS Stolen! By the same people that stole the illuminate from the owner of the illuminate in that era... wayyy back

  Well, ii am thee prodigal son of this era and i demand the government aknowledge me and treat me as such... affording me such advantages as, maybe a museum, and or a controlling stake in the Government... or, especially a portion of the worlds riches in gold and precious jewels.all because i quite litterally have the word of God²³ guiding me at all times! Lets do this for the betterment of the world, if not for us then for our children and also for God². Because as it stands, if the prodigal son of God is ignored by rhe government's powers ar be ar power... then when comes time that the government needs God's².

   What i am asking is for acknowledgement at, to and for and about me from the government and more over, the world 🌎.  Because there is a lot here to be celebrated, and especially, studdied. Studdied by the brightest minds in the world because the prodigal son, the one that i am! Is the conduit to all of God² and God's³ godly information and facts about the world and the universe as a whole. The entire universe is big and there is still alot we don't know, and just to understand all of the wonders of the universe and all it"s facts, to try to utilize the most magikal of sciences, one(or many) must have a certain  level of evolutionary intelligence. And if we don't have it we can utilize the fact that God certainly already does. The God's have infinite knowledge, and already know everything that we have yet to discover. And if people even knew the cool and amazing things that humans can achieve and do by the combining of lighf energy with a God or many God's, we would already be on the miracle that comes with becoming a 2. Because a 2 is you and God³. God³ and you. I've whitnessed the potential of the magic that comes with the cool phenomina of a God or a Godly entitie and i've whitnessed a list of things...

   -a major boost in intelligence

   -a major boost in energy

   -a major boost in health

   - and almost anything you can think of(though it might take just a bit of time and practice to attain these gifts from God)

  The fact of the matter is, anything is possible with God. Anything you can think of and put your mind to and apply yourself to that you can think of.... anything at all. Try it. By praying and continuing to pray. It's more like making friends with God and keeping in contact with God and remaining in good standings with your best friend, God² and the Gods and Godly entities and especially remaining the good cemaritain  and good moral person that we can all be by doing the right thing, every day.

  So lets invite God back into the hierarchies and powers at be at power of this day and age again... i promise, you will never regret it.

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🥀without a rose

 I am. Anybody ever heard that term? Well it goes back many generations on Earth and even further on Ærth. Yo Gotti says it all the time... except he says it " ii Um "... the truth is it relates to something you and everybody on Earth could never imagine. Unless you da prodigal son. Which ii am.

  I am making this public anouncement in order to bring to you some very well hidden truths, that means lies, that ii am unEarthing to the world that we all need to know! This is the truest word ever spoken because it comes from word of a G thats word from up above. We all must realize the truth. There is a millionmillion psycho inducing, psycho hypnotic hypnotizing psycho æliens infesting Earth right now. Thats æliens with the greek letter Æ liens because the Æ signifys higher intelligence Ålien.

   These things ravage the lives of Humans and considering there is at Least one on every person in the world... they are ravaging your life right now as we speak.... oh really.... you just gonna Ignore this problem. You just gonna act like it dont mattah. Well why didn't ya girl call you back when u expected and turns out, she got hypnotized to do dirty shit wit someone else when you were expecting to be the filthy one. 

   Thats a favorite of thiers. Destroying someones Love... not to mention thier Love Life and thier lives in General. Because the truth is nothing goes down with these things not knowing. They have eyes and ears on every knook and cranny of the world. All major corperations and buisnisses are run by thier own specific way of doing things. Its basically like we are thier pawns and they are our players. And we are thier bitches right now because there is so much to be gotten from them... thru me thee prodigal son of God.

   So don't. Just... Don't. Don't! Because when somebody don't's they do not. Because to do not is to seace. So seace if you all want to don"t so bad.

   I am thee prodigal son, like Amen Ra was and like jesus was after him. Effectively making me God's Son. And God, thee God is my father. Thats the one God Above all other Gods.

🚀Gravity Condensifier by BC and Christ Wilson

 Imagine this.... on another planet 5× larger than Earth. Gravity would be greater by 5×. This would make the soil of the planet more densly packed... in fact.. all elements and thier molecules would be more densly packed. This is where we get Godly air which i explain in my book, thee "illumigodly"... Godly air can fix any ailment in the human body and is extreemly good for us. What if i told you there was a way to make Godly air and even new elements to add to the periodic table of Elements... its true. We can and i know how. Think about it... Gravity condensified fuels for rocketships, that can run on less than half the fuel of conventional rockets made today. Even finer, denser metals for making new exciting computer chips for new and exciting technology... all this made possible by my invention, the Gravity Condensifier by BCz. Wanna know how to do it? Ill tell you... the highest bidder. Bidding starts at Two Hundred Twenty Two Million for the blueprint to the machine that will revolutionize modern technology and science as we know it. Thats right, i have the blueprint... e-mail me if interensted at it doesn't get better than this invention of mine. The Gravity Condensifier by BCz. I look forward to blowing your mind.👌

⚡️Pixel sized Life Forms

 I guess these pan æliens are in a different time and place and  different dimension and thiey evolved from a single little pixel sized dot that can fly around at light speed all over the galaxy. I've been told These pixel sized life forms are just a very very tiny guy, sitting in a couch chair recliner, drinking soda and eating cheetos... no f-ing kidding at all! Its really a wierd occurrence. The little pixel sized being is incased inside a glååss/plastic, see through bubble, or round sphere they sit inside... one day modern science will be able to prove this and you will all be as bewildered as i am about this.

   These pixel sized beings are our Gods, and some of them come in bigger plååstic bubbles and they are all stationed at the beginning or top of the dimensional cortext we all share. And each level, their shaddow is cast and these are what we see as pan-æliens here on Earth. They are symbiot shaddows, or in other words extensions of thier own bodys in thier dimensional contour of the dimensional cortex we are all in, casting through the Universe all the way to Earth because some of them cast thier pan-ælien symbiot all the way from the beginning of creation. No lie... so some of these "dark spirit", pan-ælien symbiots are millions of years old. No lie.. i couldn't make this shit up if i tried... so... so you know exactly what they are...

   How i got to know this information is i caught a pan-ælien in my hands, and started to reel in the "dark spirit" pan-ælien by rolling my arms together like a reel in motion or like i was hitting a speed bag really fast, to reel in the rest of its body because they are huge blob looking things and when you get ahold of one you can rip it's finite pixel stage of it's existance from one side of the devide to your side

 When i did this... the finite pixel version of the pan-æliens existance lit up on fire, like, hot flaming energy that glowed and tried to escape my clutches. because i was gonna eat it(eating these things gives you Godly essence to your body and life force if you eat them). Anyways, he lit up like a firey finite pixel as he tried to escape me pulling him in, and would you believe it, they seared a tiny hole in my 4k TV screen the size of a pixel... it was Epic. Epic! I found out myself and whitnessed myself, how to actually prove these pan-æliens exist. Actually there's a bunch of ways to proove thier existance...

   First is, when you grab them, you can feel them wiggling in-bet w een your fingers, just ever so slightly, because these pan-æliens are invisible to the untrained human eye. Because as i explained earlier in this book, the pan-æliens are parallel pan-dimensional beings in a pan-dimensional parallel dimension overlapping our own, so they are right here with us, but not, because they are in a dimension right over us. And thats not all, they can float right through walls, windows, and even float right into your body... which is where they love to stay... because, as wierd as it is, they eat us on a very tiny small finite scale.. and thats what ages us. So if we rid this planet of all pan-æliens... humans would start to live exponentially longer than we do already every generation. They are litterally killing us... and i know how to extinguish masses of them at once... Hydrogen-Peroxide. You boil some hydrogen peroxide and there wont be a pan-ælien in sight because it causes a xnoxious gas in thier dimension that kills them. So, U.S. Government, Area 51, C.i.A. if you want to stop the true and only origional cause of every world conflict ever(Because these "things" hypnotize and induce minor to extreem psychosis in every human on Earth and are the true scientific explanation of peoples "demons". All the while these pan-æliens hypno induce hatred and mal-content into the human mind, body and soul. And they do it under a cloak of silence and secretiveness and.. they're invisible... all maniplative² and psychotic² these pan-æliens prey on our emotions by reading your mind, and hypnotizing you by manipulating your brainwaves putting you in a hypnotic transe thru electro-magnetic pulses they ever so subltly or very viggorously, induce into your mind, with only the power of thier own mind.. which by the way is like a living, physical form being of a super computer. In my oppinion the Gods are the perfect specimine of life. Every part of thier body has brain activity... and i can not even tell you what they look like in fear for my own life of existance because they are so vicious and have thier own pricacy laws against humans speaking about them in that way. Trust me tho, you aren't ready to go toe to toe with one them... they are amazingly hard and many of the Godly beings on Earth enbody what it means to be Gangsta... its like their gangsta traits evolved with thier super hyper-advanced² evolutionary minds and bodys... they give gangsta a new definition... im not kidding at all. I've gotten to know the most Gangsta ones all and i'm like... "they are so harrrd".. "sooo harrrd" "gangsta personified!".  No b.s. No lie. Very inspiringly Gangsta.  It came with maybe even millions of years more advanced evolution than our own... its remarkable. The nice valoric ones might give you a pass but if you cross one of these super beings and especially if you hurt them, you won't stand a chance... a lil word to the wise, Earth is essentially thier home too, the gangsta-est ones were here before us and they'll be here long after we're gone, so... stop drilling into the Earths crust, they don't like that🫡.

💗God and you

 The Univercity is a network of planets and there is a whole "country" of planets all together in the Milky Way Galaxy that are all governed by the governing soveirenty of God and GodGod. I am told this information by the Gods and spirits and thee illumigodly of our planet and beyond. These entities have been around on Earth for centuries and some even longer. All of them are big on using the gifts that God has given us all. Something just like Love infinity, which i was instrumental to bringing to Earth and all humans on Earth. Its about using your mind, your gut, and your heart to interact with the Universe all around us. Little do any scientists know that every solar system in the Galaxy are right on-top of eachother or right next to eachother, something like a hollographic image overlapping eachother... so.. the other planets aren't far from our own.. and each is devided by gravity field that keeps us seperated. I'm told, by those that have a more space oriented perception, that the galaxies look like a kelidescope in the sky to us who have an Earthly oriented perception, but to them the planets and galaxies look like they are all stacked up ontop of eachother, with their super massive black holes at the center of the Galaxies as a spine and they are stacked right ontop of eachother. Resembling a tower or.. a mountain... hense Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus is directly above my head, just like most people, but my version of Mount Olympus is thee Mount Olympus because thee God of the Universe is my Godly father and all the life in the Galaxy resides there at Mount Olympus above me.. its something like a heigherarchy of Gods and life states and my God is at the top, and i am at the ground floor, so i have access to all the beings and places those beings reside thru the magic of Gods Godly gifts from above. All i have to do is use my mind and it can take me to other dimensions, other realms, and even.. other planets. Of course to use these amazing gifts you have to have a Godly guiding spirit above you to unlock and enhance your Godly attributes and talents that make it possible to interact and see(by using a God's eyesight projected and transferred to our own) the beyond where otherly life live. But remember, there is a devide of distance and even time from the gravity fields that devide and separate our solar systems and planets throughout the Galaxy. We are all able to interact and talk and even see eachother thru the magic of Gods blessings and theres something else you should know, our bodies cast a shadow thru the devide, all the way through the Galaxy, and with this "shadow", which is a part of our life force with God, we are able to use our minds and control this shaddow to visit far off places. Wherever you want to visit, your shadow exists somewhere in the plane fields of the different planets and solar systems. With our shadows, which are actually more like symbiots, we can navigate our way taround anywhere we want to go and or see. Thats right, you can even see the beyond with your shadow casting the imagry to your mind.. all this takes an incredible amount off concentration, and there is trouble, distractions, and sabatoges at every turn by hyper²-intelligent² beings known as pan-æliens(parallel dimensional beings in a pan-dimensional state), the very same pan-æliens i speak of are the same ones who ravaged my life of love and love of life with thier shadows that they use like a symbiot life form that they can shape into any shape, even the shape of a human, and they can use any one of thier psycho²-kinnetic hypno²-inducing, hyper²intelligent talents or powers to wreck havoc on the lives of all of us on Earth. See, to picture it, think of it like a hall way. The pan-ælien life forms are at one end of the hallway and thier stationed there for good, because of the dimensional devide and gravity fields keeping them there. But thier shadow streaches all the way thru the hall way. Like i said they can use thier shadows to do numerous things not even thier physical bodies can do. But with thier hyper²-intelligent minds, that are way, way, way more evolutionarily advanced than us.. they have super abilities with thier symbiot shadows that we don't have yet because we haven't evolved enough yet.

    I've learned that there is so much you can do in this world, 8n this universe with your mind and i learned it directly from God and the illumigodly's teachings. The Gods and "spirits"(pan-æliens) know how to utilize thier minds to shape thier own destinys and pathways of life. Its alot like manifest destiny. We call this using of your mind and heart charger and even your gut to shape our lives as we know and want it, Love infinity. It's called Love infinity because there are infinite possibilities with God and the gifts he has bestowed upon us. For instance, there is a ton you can see with your minds eye, we just haven't evolved ours enough to really picture it well yet. But with the help from your Godly guiding spirit, the Gods can project imagery onto your subconcious, so if there is a ferry in a different dimensional realmway near you and you can't see or picture it because its in a different dimension and realm, God can super-impose the image onto your mind so that you can see what God see's perfectly. This is really awesome! I have had the Gods project 4k quality imagery thru my vision and i have seen other life forms in such high definition and realistic quality that it looks completley real. I mean, perfect quality imagery that nobody else sees, but me, projected from God unto my eyes. I assume this is what the legends and Gods of the old days were to people that saw certain things such as, well, all the greek Gods of greek mythology and every super hero ever heard of on Earth. The fact is, all the super hero's and Godly beings really do exist somewhere in the dimensional realmways of lives of the dimensional realmways of existance in the dimensional contoural cortex of existance of us all in the Universe we live in. Basically, somewhere out there is Captain Marvel, and even Zeus, and even Roger Rabbit. They exist in another place, but, like i said, the planets and sun's and solar systems are all placed over one another like a hollogram. So we can interact with them, you just have to channel Love infinity, and it really really helps to have a Gods help. In fact, good luck 👍 trying to do it without Gods help. You won't. God is everything, so keep your faith in tact and believe and pray and warm your heart charger to God and your Godly guiding spirit above you. Reach out, they are waiting for you to realize them, and share the love. But don't forget them either, they have feelings and like to be aknowledged and reached out to, even spoken to daily. They want to know they are a priority in  your life, so make the extra effort to be your guiding spirits friend, and not just them but if you can manage it, reach out to all the Gods you know and love. There are more than you'd think... try channeling your "thee God for me" and remember to aknowledge them daily and prove they are a priority 8n your life. This is the best advice i can give you in life. Try it. They WILL hear you. Remember to keep in touch....🤙

🖖😒🤙The Cloak of Silence the Pan-Æliens live under and they are Emerging

 Not true.. demon can be explained scientifically as pan-æliens. With the greek letter æ, signifying hyper²-intelligence. They infest the planet, and are very high in numbers all around the world. They live under a cloak of silence and are invisible, thats how they have been able to avoid detection for the past few thousand years. But with the right training you can spot them. They look like when you stare at the sun too long, then look away, that splotchy spot left in your vision. Thats what they look like, only invisible. Also you can see them clearly out of your perifrials. They are EVERYWHERE! All over the place. Pan-æliens(parallel dimensional beings in a pan-dimensional state) meaning they are in a cross parallel universe than our own... so they are here with us.. but not...they actually are anti-matter life forms and there is a whole lot more to it all... every major conflict in human history is thier doing, the nazi's was thier doing, as the pan-æliens call themselves the not's, as in not living, not alive dead spirits, the not-z's. The z signifying electricity and energy in thier own being, as they can havk any computer and or phone with thier hyper-intelligent minds and can alter your mood, or state of mind with a technique called "hypnotic-transing by manipulating brainwaves" forcing you to believe your thoughts are thier own, but really they are induced and the thoughts of an ælien tapping into your mind. Shit's crazy. And, i couldn't make this stuff up if i tried... i've been taught all of this by thee illumigodly(a network of Gods and Godly entities all across earth that keep me informed) Me being the prodigal son, i am tasked with the job of allerting the world of these "things" that already invaded and now infest the planet and are planning our demise. We, the human race, must become aware of these things.. Also, they hypnotize anybody and everybody to do thier bidding. Moving the human race around like pawns. This is no joke, im not kidding. No bs. No lie. If you deny this claim, you are wrong. I've whitnessed them first hand. We as humans are meant to eat these "dark spirits". All you have to do it grab them and put them to your tounge and scarf them down... if you eat 10 your first time you'll get a nice euphoric buzz on... thats how you know they are good for you... each one of them is like a floating super computer, and all together they think as a hyper²-intelligent² hive brain, so they know everything thats happening all over the planet in every nook and cranny... i need my word to reach the president and the U.N. but nobody, and i mean nobody has responded to me despite my numerous attempts to get ahold of them. Remember... pan-æliens, not to be confused with parallæliens(which are real aliens here on Earth with us) some parallæliens are awesome and make amazing friends.. so there is a diamond lining to all the "dark" entities that plauge the human race and have for centuries... and God is part of that diamond lining..💎. So pray 🙏 don't forget to warm your heart when u pray... it helps God. Warm your heart and aim it at God and PRAY! Any questions, read my book. "Thee illumigodly and God²Man BCz thee Prodigal Son". 👌I am🖖🫠🤚.BCzusChrist

🪬The "that way" and the "this way" of speach. And expression.

  The "That Way" is sooo confusing to a human like me from Earth that is very very "This Way". So there is the "Thi...