Since the formation of Earth some 4 billion years ago there have been entities that have Gravity guns that formed the Earth and all its elements together like a fine syrum. These entities are God and the Devil. They manufactured this planet and everything in it to grow life that they would oversee, to take charge for the new generation of Life in the UniverCity. The UniverCity is all the Life in the Galaxy and yes, the Galaxy is teaming with Life. Humans are among the biggest life in the Galaxy being as we come from a smaller planet, with a smaller sun 🌞. There are Planets 100,000 times the size, and thus Gravity is greater, and conditions on those planets are harsher.. much harsher.
Which brings me to Gravity Condensified Elements. There are 1,000,001 different Elements in the Universe. The trick is knowing how to find them, or make them. The Moon and the Earth are bound by Gravity, a force unlike any energy we can duplicate. if we harness the power of the Earth and Moon's Gravity, Possibly by swinging something behind the 🌙 moons gravitational force maybe... but that is just a theory.. otherwize we will have to find another way to Codensify Elements with Gravity. Bcause Elements take different forms, such as Gas, Liquid, Solid Form, and so on... and Gravity is the deciding factor as to what form those Elements will take. i can assure you, there is a river of Electricity and a river of diamonds for example, probably a river of every Element. As there is a Gas of every Element, and a Solid Form and so on.. Then heres where things get even more tricky, there is infinite ♾️ Dimentions, and if we ever gain the ability to traverse Dimentions, as thee Gods can... we would find even more Elements. This knowlage is priceless to the survival of the human race in the not so distant future and i assure you.. we have a long way to go before we are considered on the smart side of intelligent as far as the intelligent life in the UniverCity. i know because i am contacted by Parallæliens, and Panæliens and thee Gods. Yes its True. GOD is real, and he acts as a sort of Government or Governing sovereignty for the Galaxy, and each Galaxy has one. And since there are Gods upon us on Earth, and a sule of other worldly, and other realmly life such as the Panæliens ive discovered here! with us on Earth, in a Parallel Dimentional Cortex. its a bit like, they are mentally advanced and they can use thier mentally advancements such as telepathy to communicate with us from thier Parallel state... and since i am the Prodigal son of God on Earth 🌎, i get a front row seat to the real and ever so tangible wonders of the wonderful world of wonders which is Earth. This kind of information goes on and on and i assure you this is all FACT, because God dictates thru me, and i am his Conduit to all the info of the Cosmos for this planet and all its Life, being that im the Prodigal son of God... Now, people cant believe this, that i am. But i assure you i am. This is why i document my Life as written in my Notes and here for the world to read.. just think, just because you dont know about it or even understand it doesnt make it un-true. Yes in FACT it is true... and there is a host of other information i have to pass to the world over. All dictated by God, for your eyes, your ears, and your thought process. i promise ❤️. i need to be discovered👌iLove
Christ Wilson
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