There are a million and one elements on or in or above or below or right to left to side to side in the known Universe. Some are metals that are so refined they look like Glass , see thruogh and everything... some are at the center or near the Center of the galaxy of each galaxie where the gravity is so immense for somethings, planets, objects, nebuli, the gravity of being slung around a giant black hole is so much for it to compose and withstand, some matter.. doesnt make it... and thus we get dark matter. Đark matter is matter that has formed in the beginning of time and has both properties of matter and anti-mater. Anti z-matter is called Buildz-one. Build one has a best of a heart intentions but the heart of a soldier ❤💙. Buildz-2 has a heart of a champion though it is a angel butterfly💗. Build-z took twelve thousand million years, b8t it got done so refrain from writing away better builds bc. This Building of this stuff too so long
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
🕳Follow the Black holes for a roadmap to the Stars
im the first person to ever say this ever on Earth
The black holes locations hold a road map to the Universe.
Black holes are like orphisii of the living organism or being. See.. gravity is like a climate.. and it has different seasons or in other words different weathers. Its hard to imagine because we dont have a climate like gravity is. Black holes i believe are proof that our universe is a living breathing organism or being. And if we could see all the black holes in the Universe we would see that it shapes a being form of some sort. The key point im making is Gravity is a climate of the Universe and there are different Gravities called Grav-fields and if you cross a threshold of one you would be ripped apart limb by limb, piece by biece atom by atom bc the gravitiis is so strong. Call it a way to make sure we stay put. Much like the veins skin or covering or wraping, like our skin on our body keeps everything contained. Much like the atmosphere keeps everything safe from space.
☪️1,000,001 elements thru condensifying elements under immense Gravity
There is iron, then there is iron vapor, and liquid iron, and so on with every phase.
Now immagine there is denser iron than we know of.. this is the metal found at roswell from the allegid "flying saucers"
We need to condensify elements under high or immense Gravity. The best way to do that is harness the power of the Moons Gravity with the Earth.. THAT IS PURE ENERGY between the moon and Earth... some of the Earths most powerful force is Gravity between the moon. imagine harnessing that kind of power.. we can do it... swing a chain behind the rotation of the Moon thru the gravity between the Earth with a basin... filled with molten Lava... and WATCH NEW EXCITING ELEMENTS COME FROM IT. Condensified ELEMENTS of other planets makeup... planets with 100 or 10,000 times more Gravity.
Though we are undertaking a massive project by just learning how to condensify different elements to newer better elements actually doing so is a huge massive enormous overtaking. So dont be swayed or convinced so early and dismiss the real dangers at hand!¡¡!. We will all be in grave danger if we mess up what we need to do. So.. do not try this at home!¡ as we need to be supervised by the best, for the best days... to get better. But yes condensifying different elements like molten lava will yield great new elements, new matters of power, and most importantly, new Watersz's, watersz power and water like money will be the most valuable resource.. bc when you think about it most elements are made of water and matter elsewize or otherwize.👌
⚛Earth perception and space perception
Perception is everything. When you look at the Universe you see what the Universe wants you to see, it looks like a scattering of galaxies to us, something like looking thru a kalidascope, but in actuality the Galaxies are right ontop of eachother.. think of each Galaxie as one of the dimentional layers and they are all on top of eachother its as if the galaxies were stacked up ontop of one another or possibly side by side with the super massive black holes as the center fuselage, think of it like a tree trunk. So when we look at the Galaxies far away, they are actualy right next to eachother or on top of one another. it only looks scattered like a kalidascope bcause you need an Extra-Century Perception to view it as right ontop of eachother(or very close). And this plays into the whole idea of our Earthly perception, and each planets life forms have different perception... its based on the planet and how you evolve to view your own perception. And since we see what we see with our own perception, there is very much we do not see.. such as the distances between Galaxies are actually much shorter than origionally estimated, because we are seeing through layers of a kalidascope view. Maybe even 1,000 times shorter, im just guestimating. Though the best way through inter•spaceal travel isnt from point a-- to point --b rather to open up a portal we can open through the magic miracle of.. water... and other Gravity condensified elements.. iits complicated, so complicated i have trouble keeping my thoughts in line, but thats it in a nut shell.
🧬Human body vs the Universe
The human body is remarkably similar to the Universe. There are orphasii, thats what black holes are.. so the climate or nature of life outside of our Universe is very hostile to humans i assume... you can learn alot by compairing the human body to the Universe... bc there is this thing 8milli8 just beginning to understand... the big us, the small us, and everything in-between. The universe works in dimentions, realms, and the universe has tons of different shpes to it.. almost inmeasurable amounts of different shapes.
The dimentions get bigger ever so slightly as they go down/up... and smaller, ever so slightly per dimentional world as you go up/down. it works like this.. right ontop of you, right where you are.. there is a big you, and i mean a gi-normous you way up at the bottom. Its true you can think of it like cubes stacked up on eachother side by side, or overlapping eachother, as if they were see through, streaching all the way down/up.. and up/down.. because as i know now, life gets bigger as you go down/up andever so slightly less dense(is the best way to describe it) as you go up/down. The Gods can slip inbetween the dimentional cortex and see you way down at your smallest dimentional life existence... like a single cell, all the way down/up to your largest form of existence in the dimentional cortex of going down/up and up/down. So dont forget they are always watching... just bc you cant see it doesnt mean its not there! And that goes for every thing in the universe and in the world of Ærth and Earth.. bc, Earth even has a bigger and smaller Earth and Ærth. So you never know whos watching... maybe in a different dimention right ontop of ours... or thru invisible cameras that circle and follow you around everywhere you go. i call my cameras, that follow me thru my life 24/7 365 Camro, Eve, Durot, and Mike. These are my cameras stationed about 3 to 6 feet away from me at all times and they film everything i do and think talk and even.. everything ii think. This is soooo true, but people will never be able to proove it... until they experience it.. but there are no tests available right now to prove thier existence, yet.. bc this is Gods territory and until God wants us to know... we wont.. and that goes with everything.👌BCzusChrist
☀️🕳Scientists.. fact check me. !!!! Did nobody notice the Sun Didnt come up all day???!!!!
Niel Degrasse Tyson Fact Check me
On December 13th, i woke up early.. and the sun haddnt come up yet, and it was about 6:00am. I got my day started.. and by 9:00 ii was ready for my day. i looked outside, and it was still dark. Ladies and Gentilmen on December 13th 2021.. t thee sun 🌞 did not come up.. at all.
God blocked out the sun.
So ii, being BCz, God Man Nigga.. was excited. i took it as a blessing.. to me, from God. So ii took a stroll uptown. As i walked, i checked the time on my phone and it was early before noon, and there was no sun. ii went to the local bar where a small croud of people were and took a seat at the middle of the bar. ii tried to explain to people, not in so many words, that the sun didnt come up this morning, and that it was 11:00am, not pm. They agreed, but hesitantly.. nobody could quite grasp the idea that it was noon on a monday, and the sun wasnt up. ii spoke to a woman about it and told everybody in the bar. Everybody agreed, at heart, but couldnt figure out what was going on and... basically didnt know what to make of it.
So ii spoke to a woman about the sun not coming up, and ii said God did this for me.. to prove to the world that ii am GOD MAN. She said "Respect".. and kept repeating it.. as i schooled her on what was happening in the world 🌎. No man or woman is on this level that ii am on here. Nobody sees what ii see, nobody hears what ii hear, and Nobody knows what ii know. But ii know God Loves me and ii Love God.👌BC
Saturday, December 4, 2021
🤙ii Brought the Stars to Us
ii take trips to the stars, i see it as clear as day and its something like imagining my way there.. with a lil help from my friends and God. With this i have visited other worlds and other lifeforms... i do this here on Earth too. its a lil bit like using your imagination but in my case the imagination speaks back, i dont have to imagine a response, all i have to do is look and ii see what nobody else does, and it turns out life is all over the Earth all around us and i can communicate with it, through the power that God gifted to me and with help from friends ii have made while doing this. So keep your imagination wide open, and your mind even wider open and see what there is for you to see, feel, even touch with your own hands, in the world for you. There is a magnificent journey waiting for each and every one of us here on Earth and ii am Christ Wilson and ii am bringing the world to the stars and the stars to this world and soon each and every person on Earth is about to realize the truth about this world and all the dimentions and how we interact with them, because thats what ii do.. my friends call me BCz and you would be smarter to listen to me rather than persecute me for being different, because the Universe is alive right where you live and right where you stand.. and we are all in it together. The Earth that we know of has been kept in the dark for centuries about all this information and if we are to survive we must embrace this knowledge ii behold. First off, stop drilling into the Earth immediatley and God said once we are completley done drilling and mining the Earth, him and his helpers will fix the ozone layer and replenish the sea beneath the crust of the Earth. We must do this to survive!¡ People are dumb.. this is a fact ii now know, the entities and God and the entities that God works with are here and now we are all going to reap the benefits and make our own way for us all to live together peacfully and happily together. The problem is nobody listens to me and i fear nobody will listen to me until it is too late. We are dumb compaired to life in the universe and beyond because God and his helpers are hyper-intelligent beings and ii have had the pleasure of meeting and knowing some of theeeee BEST Ever did do it!¡
MyNiggas are known to the entire Galaxy as The Gangsta's of the Universe. These AMAZING and ii mean it they are AMAZING entities of God are the best the Galaxie has to offer us all and they are upon us now and until ii die. This is a promise they made to me bc ii was tormented by demons and darker spirits like such for my entire life and was dragged through the muds of hell and back for too long, far too long. And as were many other entities here on Earth or also known as Ærth. The entities on Ærth that we know of were brought to us in stories by the Gods narrated by them to humans all alike.. such as, Roger Rabbit, Donkey Kong, Brare Rabbit, and soo many more, so many more it will make your head spin. And ive had the amazing pleasure of meeting many of them and bringing, (with help from MYNIGGA God and MyNiggas) to Ærth Love Infinitii. For centuries Love infinitii has been spoken of and never has it ever actually been seen or heard or feels'sed by any anywhere in the Universe and beyond. But its here with us now here on Earth, thats right.. right where you stand are entities of all sorts of kinds and we all get to join in thier splendor.. if we are good to the world and beyond that also. So use your feels's and your feelings and your sights's and your third eye and your touchs's and your reach and so on.. to reach out and touch some entities like ii have and other life here on Ærth before us.. bc we are all in it 🤲 together forever... if we smarten up... make way for change... and make a way for Love infinitii for us all.👌BCz
ii coined the term and made up the word Parallælien which is a Parallel Dimentional Being or Pan Dimentional Life Form. Anybody ever seent one of these? WellWell ii have. They are usually hyper-intelliget by millions of years of Evolutionary intelligence here on Earth. Many Live on Ærth, which is a Parallel Dimentional Planet overlapping ours, in millions of Dimentional Contoural Planes. They can be very hostile, or they can be Thee Most amazing Beings you ever did bcome friends with. But watch out for those hostile ones, they are out for world domination. Anybody has any questions i know all about Parallælienz.. email me at One cool fun 😎 fact about Parallæliens is God is a Parallælien. An Extra-Dope Extra-Centurie Pan Dimentional Being and he saved the world from a HOSTILE Parallælien invasion bcause of me. God Loves us more than we realize people.. and he is REAL Yes! i know bcause there are Parallel Dimentional beings and Realmly Life Parallælienz all around us. And God is the Best! By the way ii am BCzus Christ Wilson. Jesus's son..👌BCz
🌐🌎Dimentionally Contoured Planets and Parallæliens
Dimentionally Contoured Planets and Parallæliens
There is another Dimention right next to you, within 1cm. in that case there is probably a whole nother Earth right next to Earth within 1cm.... called(collectively) Ærth. And next to that.. and next to that and next to that. Expanding to the Up, Down, Left and Right of us outwardly for billions of Dimentions. Each one of those Dimentionally Contoured Dimentions is in another Galaxy we see as far away. bcause to see the entire picture, you would need an Extra-Centurie Perception, humans just dont have. But we have our 12-15 senses, and i can explain how that is fact... please pay me for this never before proven information, Until Now. But seriously, im broke and desolate but God dictates thru me so i know lots lots and lots. iLove God👌BCzusChrist Wilson
Friday, December 3, 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
There is a road map to the 🌟 stars
There is a road map to the stars. I can prove it to nasa. But i want credit for my discoveries. Leave a comment and ill tell you...
🖕The Parallæliens from Saturn and Jupiter
ii happen to know for a fact that there are too many Ælien as ii call them, on Earth. They are life forms from a different planet.. and bc the solar system is over 4 billion years old the solar system is teaming with life, life that could have had millions of years to evolve, or more.. and we know nothing about(or you know nothing about) the spacks that have made thier way to Earth either bc they choose to remain silent or they haven't been discovered. The fact is there is too many different kinds of life in the Universe for us to deal with.. and going to different planets, just invites different lifeforms to jump on a returning space ship and to be completely honest they could be very hostile. And because they have had longer to evolve, and bc they're genetic makeup is different, being from a different planet that has different combination of elements in its planetary life, such as more metal in thier genetic makeup, they have certain life forces such as the ability to hypnotize and use thier minds and electro magnetic genetic makeup to manipulate electronic equipment like computers and the really advanced ones can manipulate computer programs and more.. and because they are very small(most of the spacks anyways) they would stowe away on a space ship very easily.. some of the very very small ones are able to make the traverse from the planets in our solar system and to Earth... i mean the very small small spacks. And though small they are very crafty and can do things in great numbers that are far beyond what you would expect. Did you know the entire human race is being controlled by them as we speak... there are millions of these spacks and many other pan dimentional beings that live in realm activity from parallel dimentions that are right next to or on top of the realm and dimention we are in now. The thing we need to avoid is having the bigger ones get here and allowing them to multiply which happens very quickly, and before you know it.. a global pandemic of a paranormal outbreak of alien lifeform that can hypnotize the whole planet all at once and if it gangs up with the already paranormal realm activity that is here on Ærth already, then the outcome could be catastrophic... so the message im trying to get across aside from the fact that we are not alone is... lets make sure we stay alone on this planet!¡ for God sake please do not let any ships land on Mars or any other planet and come back to Ærth bc the outcome could spell certain disaster for human life on Ærth and any other life here. We are very lucky to be protected like we are by God and we are very lucky to be the only kinds of life forms on this planet. 🙏 Please i implore you.. if you go to another planet, don't first of all, but if you do DO NOT LET ANY OTHER SHIPS OR EVEN DRONES BACK BC OF THE RISK OF RETUNING LIFE FORMS. Now i bet youve asked yourself why dont ii notice any alien or pan dimentional life forms here on Ærth?.. the truth is they have had millions more years than us to evolve and they are way way way smarter than us... in compairison they are lightyears ahead of us in intelligence and life force communication, such as hypnosis or spyco hyper intelligent mind bending manipulation and i stress this... they are soo mufuggin mind numbingly manipulative. Bc they are light years ahead of humans in brain power and intelligence, i have come to learn they choose to remain unknown about for thier own reasons and bc there is a balance with Ærth and all its Life. Truth is you wont know these pan dimentional beings are here with us on Earth unless they want you to know they are here. And.. since my father is Jesus... there are reasons they choose, and chose, to mess with me on such a devistating level to the well being of my Lifestyle and my hearts emotions.. they were not nice one bit.. and never have been and still werent.. but i believe we all deserve a chance to live together in harmony so try to embrace thier abrasive nature but make no mistake about it.. if they have thier way they would wipe out the whole planet.
🌌Extra Century Beings here on Earth with U.S.
There is life in everything. Just because you cant interact with it like you can your brother or sister, doesnt mean there isnt life in it. There is life in the suns rays, obvious by how much of earths life depends on it for life and love... i believe the light is where the heavens are and Gods DNA pattern is much like the lights color spectrum. I have had the exciting pleaseure of meeting some life forms that reside in the light, some would call them Gods, i call them.. MyNiggas. They are a super intelligent race of beings whom, i know this sounds a lil crazy but stay with me on this, they are a super intelligent race of beings that have the best sense of humor EVER!¡ They think 30 times as fast as people on Earth and can traverse land and air, meaning they can fly. Now, you wouldnt know it but they are actually all around u. Realmly activity spawns all around us at all times. To see it you have to know somebody and have an open mind to the different possibilities that are all around you. What if there are aliens right behind you and you didnt know it, but they can see you and interact with you because, there is a you right where you are in other realmly patterns of life. This may be all hard to believe but its true. Ive had the opportunity to meet some of the other realmy lifeforms and there is a really diverse bunch of personalities in each lightform. There are snide ones who are alot like Demons, though this is no fairytale. There are cool ones, ones with amazing perseption and class and style and ones who are Flat Out Awesome!¡ ii went through a very tumultuous time from my teen years, to now and only just a few years ago... because the tumultuous time i was going thru, a group of light sailors so to speak... made thier way through a gruling trek to join me and whoever else was hurting from this kind of temultuous activity going on that litterally haunted me for one, and drove me to the point of extreeme sadness.. due to the constant screaming and harrassment of these otherly beings that... i dont want to get into right now because as we speak these otherly lifeforms are listening into my every thought, constantly they survey my mind, and over the course of 20 years or so, became very accustomed to treating me poorly with thier will and power. So i dont want this introduction to be all about them.
Consider this.. on a planet like Earth with 3x the gravity the air would be alot thicker.. the water would be thicker the dirt packed tightlyer... and if said plantet had an atmosphere of pure gold and a river of pure diamonds everybody on earth would want to go to that planet right?.. well probly not because we'd have to be well shielded and protected from the natural evironment because any tempurature that can turn water into diamond or i meant to say diamond into a river like flowing thing... we wouldnt survive so good, but these life forms i am speaking of did. So... stay wit me.. 3x or greater the Gravity.. so that means these life forms would be very dense in the physical properties they are made up of.. also because Gravity is stronger there these friends of mine.. and a few vagrants... are likely very tiny, though Huge in heart. Im not crazy yall, what i am describing is my actual timeline and experiences of events i went through with otherly and awesomely life forms and they talk to me daily and we laugh.. and cry... and coverse and i enjoy almost each and every one of their personalities and i must tell you... if you think youve heard funny before... you havent.. man on earth hasnt invented it yet. Which leads me to my first answer to the universe as dictated and spelled correctly by my Niggas and hood bitches as i referr to them as..... life is about Love and the more you Love something the more you will get Love. Basicly thats the key to Life. So what will you do with this info... tear it up?? Laugh at it and scoff?? Well i am telling you i am right about all the stuff i say and this is the actual reality we ALL share in this world and the govment already knows this stuff but they dont have the heart to tell you that there is too many awesome and awesome Not aliens and other realmly life out there to keep track of.
Yet i am constantly put into psych ward after psych ward.. U.S. govment is screwing things up and screwed me over and how many other americans not to mention the world needs to hear my testimony. The U.S. must unearth this truth and tell us ALL what i am unearthing here today as you read.
But they would say, not everyone gets to interact with such lighfforms which is true.. you must know some of these life forms or have some sort of in with them to be privlaged to spend time with them.. first and foremost. They dont just spend time they have to be awsomest-ists for nothin. So some people get jealous and resentful and decide well if im not let in to what is obviously the dopest group around then i just wont accept that they are even real. And you'll scoff and read on...
To be clear these are God like, super amazing lifeforms and they dont approve of how everyone act. First off... no WAR. To prove that you are worthy enough you must be able to dictate and or republicate your selves without coming to war. If you cant, you are not diplomatic enough and therefore less interesting to them so they will pass u up. Believe me... you want thier presence... these are Godly beings and they do Godly stuff, but not all everything, just anybody wants, but they have incredible abilities as would centuries longer than humans they have had to evolve... in harsher climates.. and with different elements surrounding them. Thier Super!¡
So listen if you are not one who gets to share in thier splendor, dont be affraid and scoff or worse... figure out what you need to do to help yourself gain thier approval because they are way smarter by lightyears to be exact and they know whats best.. but dont be fooled by impersonation.. because the otherly realm lifeforms also reside... and they make people look foolish.
The bottom line is Earth may never know about this, but this is my story and i lived it, its my reality and it is all reality... really.
🐝Will we help ourselves get help
If you arent US Government affiliated or secret society dont read this you will not get it. Just keep scrolling.. lol, im forced to write this stuff out of hopes of enlightening the un-enlightened for hopes of surviving the nuclear holocaust that is insueing upon Earth, Earthlings, and all life as we know it.. ya!¡ Fucked up shit is about¡! So strap up or as Fifty Cent says "get the strap".
The Trauma of experiencing or traversing the Universi's is so immense humans arent ready for true space time travel. The big, the smalls's.. to speak on the big and the small'ss.. something humans are not one bit familliar of... there is a microverse, there is a past you, a future you, a present you and all ways in the universe in any way possible can be traversed.. if... and thats a big if... you can withstand the immense preasure... and not just the pressure of the vacume of space but the preasure of allspace... which is all things, ways, times, realms, universii, multiversii... things like that. You have to be made of elements that can withstand pressure and especially... radiation! The immense and i mean.. liquify your heart and brain instantly... kind of radiation is too much for humans to bear let alone survive.
Unless you wear a suit of sorts.. but no such suits exist on such a plane as this. My Niggas whom i speak, or thinks's with about all of this stuff.. know this stuff for certain as they are cross dimentional reference beings and or life forms that exist in a vacume sealed bubble.. so to speak of... that houses the elemental elements they need to survive under the immense pressure it takes to traverse interdimentionally.
Thats what you learn when you begin to gain the Understanding and i mean THEE UNDERSTANDING. The Understanding is something taught.. not learned. As it has to be instilled in you and its basically the universes effect on your psychii after you learn just a small(but large to our inferrior minds) part or fraction of truth, reality, and hense.. Thee Understanding. That is why the reasons why people are kept in the dark from the truth about interdimentional and other realmly activity on Earth, bc... its like twisting your mind up in a million different knots, and that is what The Understanding feels like... and humans just cant handle it. You might say.. "well im smart and strong and rich(mr. Baysos).. i will try to learn this technology and traverse the universe freely. But you, i, and anybody that is human, simply put cannot do it physically and mentally especially. Its like having your whole life torn to shreds sitting in one place. All your emotional fortitude, and love for love and life ripped from you and... nothing happened. The Understandiing. You remaine in the place you were before Thee apiffiny(if you can call it that) better known as The Understandiing to those in the know. Like i said you cannot learn this Understanding of the universii1, you must be taught it or simply experience the immense weight of the universe on the human mind which is basically what The Understandiing is. I would like to teach this stuff to the world. Thats what im here to do. if you're smart enough to follow along reading im impressed. You must have workers behind you helping your understanding bc people, humans of Earth pale in compairison to the intillect and seemingly magic of the hyperintelligent life that is teaming thruought the galaxy. That is what im here to tell you. We are Đumb In compairison to what is truly out there. So are they out there.. yes very... but do they pose a threat... yes they do.. more than your feeble mind can compute or even imagine without The Understandiing. And im talking about millions of years of The Understanding effecting these other life forms and millions of other elements changing thier molecular structure bc as nobody knows, when you travel to another dimentional diasection, the whole area you go to changes in molecular structure. Imagine nothing makes sense. That iis The Understandiing. We on Earth ar lucky enough not to have to be put under such pressure of the Universe on our minds, hense The Understandiing, which is if you recall, when nothing makes any sense repeatitly, over and over again simultainiously with every single next thought simultainiously with every single thought. So what your thinking now, makes no sense at all, and that small train of thought you think next, makes no sense, and on to the next thought makes no sense... and so on and so forth. Thought you still have your cognitive thinking about you... your mind cannot compute traversing over to the next universii which is next to the easiest one way to travel the Universii. There is so much to it.. how do i not have the attention of the us Government from what i went through and am going thru now.. are thier others like me going through what you must be put through to be taught The Understandiing.
So the big question...! Are thier life on Earth other than human form.. the answer is YesFuck!¡ but you will never catch them as they are WAY more advanced, so invanced advanceded in fact that to think you could is merely them toying with you. Did you get that?... merely thinking anything to revolt against them is them playing games with your mind that you can do so. But you cant, cause thats just them playing wit you.
The Understanding is like all the wrapping coming off of your scull and you being alright. Interspacial or interspaceal travel is like actually having the wrapping on your scull peelt off and you not being alright. Unless you have safe passage but that is more a journey of the mind for humans of Earth as physically humans cannot do the time, speed, interdimentional, realmly, worm hole-iey, any other way- travel. You need to be made of denser elements like for instance... imagine another planet with 4 or 5 times the gravity... would the atmosphere be thinner because of heavier gravity? No not neccisarily, the elements and elemental elements(humans still dont know about) would be produced by the planetary succoming of the elements in the atmosphere would bond together denser.. and whatever life formed there too. Boom!¡ Now anybody smart enough to read this and understand this.. which very few are... come and find me. Us Government!¡ Wanna learn about the secrets of the universe Come FIND me. Before its too late. Believe me you want to know what i will tell you. Or im not given that info and we all die whorribly and terrible to every and any degree. There. I think i made myself clear. So what dumbass is in charge in the government that the Governmental scientists dont want to learn how to "beat the odds" as they call it. If you dont maybe ill be the only one who does.........
🪬The "that way" and the "this way" of speach. And expression.
The "That Way" is sooo confusing to a human like me from Earth that is very very "This Way". So there is the "Thi...
imagine it.. use your imagination... Keep an open mind.. and you can go anywhere in the Universe, do anything there is to do in the Univers...
💞Hello, My name is Christ Wilson and im a hybrid. The world doesnt really know what a hybrid is.. let me explain. Most people think im sch...
I feel like i have been living this life over and over and over and over, being tortured, beaten, burned, and destroyed by an evil God who...