There is not a gas for every element on Earth there is not a noble gas for every element on Earth there is not a glass for every element on Earth there is a not-element for every element on earth there is a not elemental element that does exist but it is very hard to translate into fluition of sight for Humans on Earth. Now this means there is a n0t element that goes with every element hand in hand with every element On Earth 🌎😌 And spanning the whole Universe traversing thru Universes, Universi, and Universiis and so on ..
When we look at the sky we see what the Universe intended us to see, but there is a lot, lot, lot more to it.. when we play, we wake, we wilt.. thats the way the Universe intended for us to see in this Universe but..there is an alternate Universe for every Universe hense every thing that can happen will happen and does and for every action there is an opposite action and reaction and not-reaction and not-action which is what the Gods are for, they can alternate our perception to fit any one of the alternate universes so that anything they want can happen, by moving us along this graph or grid but so we notice no change at all. Its kinda like changing the channel on us and we didnt even know it..
So the things we do in life have consequences for every and all who do..anything.. in this refrenced part of the known about u. So when i say there is a notgas and a n0t glass and a notelement for every element in the universal Universi, it means thee oposite of whatever element were referencing and so on. So there are over 8BILLION elements in the known Universe that can be counted but not seen, counted but not felt, counted but not touched.. and so on..
The only elements we can touch and see and feel are in our own in this specific realm of informational sequence. So.. do you want to go to the Satrs .. or have them come to you. The answer is bring the stars to you.. by condensifying elements under hi preassure, hi heat and hii gravity to form those missing elements and there will be more and more ways and technology to see with, work with, and play with. The narrator of this info is the frequency ive managed to be blessed with by God. The frequency between 8000008 and 5120000512. If you know this math equasion it means there is a way for us to tap into or read this frequency with technology we will gain by condensifying heavy and any other light element on earth 🌎😀. All elements cobined could make a God particle. But the Elements must be condensed by gravity, heat and high preassure. And some only by the stars 🌟 highest gravity or a black hole's immense Gravity(and heat and pressure). So you see we are not alone, so we ARE!¡ Thier are not Æliens and they Are!¡ Right..Where..☆●☆¿? You Are. So Make...👌BC👌BuddG👌
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