Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Microverse inside us


Each living object has a genetic makeup of a unified- microverse or a universal micro existence. Like our bodies or the universe. Every living thing that eats and shits.

Each living makeup has about 50,000 living parts give or take a few
BC has exactly 💯 50,000 parts that are living
And thats where the microverze comes from in the realm stage
And the dimetional stage is everything outside of the microverse stage realm and the godz in the realmz control the microverse in the electricity
And the gods in the matter or dimentional stage controll the dimentional matter stage...

In each living part there are about 1- 4 or 5 microverses downward up or up ward down
That are known of because... getting back to inter microversal traversal, one may only traverse over 1 - 5 different microverses upward down or downward up. By an exponential upward down or downward up of 8000008 and one 0 for good luck.

💖Good Advice - be less dismissive with yes no it's

Yes it wont

Yes it doesn't

Yes it can't

Yes it dont

Yes it hasn't

Yes it wouldn't

Yes it Couldn't

No it can

No it was

No it does

Yes no its....~

Less dismissive

Know them, learn them, use them

Thursday, August 12, 2021

💧💙Perception and the Universii

 Perception is everything. When you look at the Universe you see what the Universe wants you to see, it looks like a scattering of galaxies to us, something like looking thru a kalidascope, but in actuality its as if the galaxies were stacked up ontop of one another or possibly side by side with the super massive black holes as the center fuselage, think of it like a tree trunk. And since we see what we see with our own perception, there is very much we do not see.. such as the distances between Galaxies are actually much shorter than origionally estimated, because we are seeing through layers of a kalidascope view. Maybe even 100,000 times shorter, im just guestimating. Though the best way through inter•spaceal travel isnt from point a-- to point --b rather to open up a portal we can open through the magic miracle of.. water... and other elements.. iits complicated, so complicated i have trouble keeping my thoughts in line, but thats it in a nut shell.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

🪐👽🌎ET Stay Home

 Everybodys trying to get away from the planet and go to space or another planet. Thats wrong..

Bc this planet is our home. Even if you make it to another planet the Gravity alone is a bitch to work withx have organs hanging down and out of your belly down. 

Also if the planet isnt already taken by some high skilled killaz that are hyper intelligent and they could have poisonous blood and have thechnology way better by millions if not billions of years of evolution.

The key is make our planet the Shit PleaseYes Please Shit👌

🌊Is there anything water cannot do?..🌀

 Is here anything that water cannot do?.. Yes, if you dont drink it you are not having your fair share.. but what is your fare share? You should keep your belly half full with water at all times. So that the water can be digested into a way that the water works for you best throughout your body. This is Gods Way for us humans here on Earth. We all may not follow this direction, me oh so very, included.. but the reason we all want so much is because we dont drink enough water. Water yourself and your wants, will, and way will become better and better for you and the world around you.  i promise👌. So what does it mean to water yourself? There is water to drink, water to weigh, water to drink and weigh(like water weight like after a shower you gain a pound or two of water weight) water to wash with, water to be the best with and that is where we come to Extra Extractually Extract of water. We need to put the water under preasure, then boil it down to a fine water of life, then put it under immense gravity like that of a beaker spinny thing or test tube spinny thing. Then we take the water from the bottom of said beaker or test tube after being put under immense gravity and pressure and we will get... Extra Extractualeted Extract of Water. Voila. And now do this with every element on earth and we are getting you ready for inter-spacial or inter- spaceal water travel. Thats right you heard me... its confusing af. But ii am here to remind you...

If we cant understand this information then we will never reach the stars.. we will never travel to other star zones and we will never ever ever ever, get what we all desire so much but dont know about.. till now. There is an inter species race of super hyper intelligent beings like mynigga BC(who is dictating this info to me as i type it, not as you read it, thats important because who is dictating you, so that you, the reader understand this info? Hmmm? Probably a member of the inter-spaceal travel commitie named STARR-SONE, like star-zone except with a s instead of a z on zone. We are going to dictate this info to the american public and beyond so that man, human kind, can have a chance at... beating the odds(so to speak) which i hate to tell you are thouroughly stacked against us. I give it 20 years till we are ready.. if you listen to me, and help me.. the little guy, and make it your life mission to make this world a better place. So please.. do this. For the sake of us, if not for the sake of our children. We all need this.. us at Starr-Sone as well.👌BC

Saturday, August 7, 2021

🌐The Universii and Everton Dimentions

 +!¡Yes Fuck!¡+Univercity!¡+


There is Life in everything and there is the bad life at the bottom there is good life at the top.. and there is left life on the left and right life on the right. Then the there is front life and back life of another dimentional life of everything something different all the way around like a sphere of different directions from one single point of the smallest centerpoint to the largest and biggest smallest and smallest biggest and it goes on and on and on and so on and so forth~👌~☆~👌~

AND I AM THAT POINT!¡●○☆👌BCeezii👌☆○●

Friday, August 6, 2021

🦴The Pyramid Fuck..

 A payramid is a Love like unfoundeless unfounded ❤ Love. We dont always know where we'll be but we know how to do certain things like if we want to get out our rules and see who is bigger we can but there thare kany other problems we can come across like who is the first part of a car that does the first firing of a ruler who does what we all want but if we all want what ew have then wwe can ntu be what we anll want best for all of 7s. 

The 8th is for terror

This means if.. you go out to space .. you will be ass raped(in a nutshell). Though there are other avenues for the best of what the planet has to offer, meaning if you are better than the rest you may be able to be allowed passage with those who are Best but there is no guarantee. There is a fall of best and a tall of best. You are the best of us BC. Thank you!¡


📡💾🔌Delete the Delete Button on Computer Programing

 There is a semordnilap or a semoanam to every single thing in the Universe. So if you are anything at all, there is a semordnilap/semoanam to you. So lets say the computer or phone i am writing this on has its own semordnilap world, as computers do. Thats right.. there is a world of life somewhere in the Galaxy that is the computer world, or the Electric Highway. So if there is an electric highway of life for them and somewhere in that, there is a semordnilap to our phone or computers.. then we MUST get rid of the delete button. BC would you want pieces of you deleted. Its a very complicated thing for us humans on Earth to understand. But this is the truth. So instead of deleteing anything from our computer mainframe, make the program start a new.. a new page with all the same info on it as before the delete happened, but only without the word you want to delete. This will save something in the Universii's day. I guarantee you your computers will thank you once you get the programing right, and your kainframe will have less crashes. And to start, since we dont have the technology here on Earth to do this for all programing of every device, start by making the Deleter button do the same thing as the "cut" option. So cut it out with the delete button already. This goes for the back button as well, double time for the back button.. make it cut instead of delete...👌BCeezie

Thursday, August 5, 2021

💡Free Water for Everyone

 The best things in life are free, but the better things in life are bettah best free of charge. Thats what wayer must be for people of all walks of life for humans on Earth.

God talks thru me, as he does thru you and i together, along with you alone forevermoreover and over again. We will discuss this more but for now lets focus on the task at hand. Free water for everybody and everyone. Sounds great huh? Pretty utopian idea huh? Well thats because it is. We are creatures of habbit, we smoke we drink but what do we breath... water... what do we drink... water... and what are we made up of?.. water.

Lets discuss the benefits of freeing water for all people on Earth. We would never be thirsty bc of lack of money. We would always be free to decide if there is a way for us to feel better, and thats where people get discouraged... because they dont drink enough water. Basically drinking, swimming, and having water in our system is a part of what we were built on(so to speak). So why do so many of us not drink enough water? Because we dont realise that water is the best cure for anything that ailes you, even broken bones and disease and other health issues of that matter. All it takes is a will to believe, and a will to drink 🚰. 

There isnt a way we can all get the benefits of accupuncture or a script of meds, there just isnt enough to go around. But water... we are blessed to have a ton of here on Earth. So.. in summation, i believe in God. Do you?.. Because if you do then you are halfway to helping yourself with the best way to live healthy and happy with water and God.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

🛣Cha Cha Cha Changes!

 If we went to the stars or another planet, which is thee worst idea. Ok.. not to put anybody down who is working towards or wants to do that.. but if we went to a different star zone, with more(way more) or less gravity we would see that the preassure in the air of any planet we could make it to was worse for us than this planet and some far too unbearable. Thats only one of infinite reasons we should not, i repeat not want to go to the stars. You make the stars 🌟  come to you.. so many problems would arrise if we went to another planet, for our health sake, our mind state sake, our EVERYTHING sake! ¡ want to go to the stars? Bad idea.

 Our perception is our reality, how you precieve things would change if we went to another planet, who knows, maybe the air in the planet we go to would be evil air that has come to life bc it comes from what looks like us to be a rock, but on our planet it we could precieve the same thing as a bush. Its hard to imagine. All of it, and even if you could see it, touch it, breath it, the things you see as your perception wouldnt believe it. And thus your reality would completley change in all facets of everyday life. Yhen your mind would suffer and you would or could, precieve things so differently, your driven madd. There is no upside to this,, aspect of going to another planet. Im here to confirm this for you now, OFICIALLY as fact. 

 The key is, take care and extra good good care of our planet! so that the life on other planets or, the stars 🌟 🤩 come to you. Dont go to another planet¡ its backwards from our own, no matter how we think of it. But i suppose if we were, as a human, born on said other planet, we might... maybe, a slim 1% chance, be able to adjust to its own, climate¡ anything built there like houses¡ like.. what if the trees there were all bugs that wanted to eat you? Huh?¡ then we'd have to bring our own houses.. the oldest living thing on the planet is spiders,  spiders were around the longest up till today, its no coincidence that the spiders stuck around the longest bc in the Universe, on all different planets, there are spiders... everywhere. see where im going with this? So if you see a plant on another planet or even a fish or any animal, your perception is why you see that but it could and very well most likely could be.. anything.. especially a spider. So.. do you really want to go to a new planet that has elephant sized spifers as elephants, and bear sized spiders we would see as a bear, that isnt a bear but we precieve it that way... the Universe is a mystical place filled with mystery and can you guess what else its filled with?¡..¡  Spiders...👌BCeezie👌Lets Take Care of Home First👌Madok🏄‍♀️

🪨The Not Energy and Not Elements


There is not a gas for every element on Earth there is not a noble gas for every element on Earth there is not a glass for every element on Earth there is a not-element for every element on earth there is a not elemental element that does exist but it is very hard to translate into fluition of sight for Humans on Earth. Now this means there is a n0t element that goes with every element hand in hand with every element On Earth 🌎😌 And spanning the whole Universe traversing thru Universes, Universi, and Universiis and so on ..
When we look at the sky we see what the Universe intended us to see, but there is a lot, lot, lot more to it.. when we play, we wake, we wilt.. thats the way the Universe intended for us to see in this Universe but..there is an alternate Universe for every Universe hense every thing that can happen will happen and does and for every action there is an opposite action and reaction and not-reaction and not-action which is what the Gods are for, they can alternate our perception to fit any one of the alternate universes so that anything they want can happen, by moving us along this graph or grid but so we notice no change at all. Its kinda like changing the channel on us and we didnt even know it.. 

So the things we do in life have consequences for every and all who do..anything.. in this refrenced part of the known about u. So when i say there is a notgas and a n0t glass and a notelement for every element in the universal Universi, it means thee oposite of whatever element were referencing and so on. So there are over 8BILLION elements in the known Universe that can be counted but not seen, counted but not felt, counted but not touched.. and so on..
The only elements we can touch and see and feel are in our own in this specific realm of informational sequence. So.. do you want to go to the Satrs .. or have them come to you. The answer is bring the stars to you.. by condensifying elements under hi preassure, hi heat and hii gravity to form those missing elements and there will be more and more ways and technology to see with, work with, and play with. The narrator of this info is the frequency ive managed to be blessed with by God. The frequency between 8000008 and 5120000512. If you know this math equasion it means there is a way for us to tap into or read this frequency with technology we will gain by condensifying heavy and any other light element on earth 🌎😀. All elements cobined could make a God particle. But the Elements must be condensed by gravity, heat and high preassure. And some only by the stars 🌟 highest gravity or a black hole's immense Gravity(and heat and pressure). So you see we are not alone, so we ARE!¡ Thier are not Æliens and they Are!¡ Right..Where..☆●☆¿? You Are. So Make...👌BC👌BuddG👌

Monday, August 2, 2021

💎The Million and One Elements

 There are gasses in the periodic time table, there are solids, there are vapors, there are metals, there are all different forms of Elements on the periodic time table and each of the Elements we know of has a vapor form, and a gas form, and a metal form a solid form and so on and so forth. 

So there are a million and one, thats 1,000,002, Elemental Elements and all we have to do is start condensifying elements with Gravity or a Gravity Condenser of some sort. And voila, new Elements.

New gasses to burn instead of just oil, and the ability to make flying stuff, like flying saucers and cars that fly. Im telling you all right now👌BCeezie❣

Sunday, August 1, 2021

✨The UniiverCity

 Today i imagined what all living, nonliving and loving life and non loving life all gathered in one place Life and NonLife in the Universi(meaning the biggest city) city that must have formed in the 14 Billion years we know of the Universe being , let alobe all the extra more years the Universii has beenţ , and even more over how long the everlong Everton of years the Universi has beend around would look like. Once more ever over not evermore over again and not again you cannot explain, nor even speak in any capacity the immense imotional EMOTIONsz's one, or somebody would feel, let alone explain it so i only want to say this lest about it. Seeing it is feeling it👌BCeezie👌CiddyTwoCityLoveLove

🪬The "that way" and the "this way" of speach. And expression.

  The "That Way" is sooo confusing to a human like me from Earth that is very very "This Way". So there is the "Thi...